留学英国安全通知- Safety Notice. 




The winter time is coming and the days get dark quicker.  

In addition as you should already be aware, the UK economic situation is not at it’s best.

Many UK people are struggling in the Economic crisis and this has led to an increase in petty crime.


大家好, 好久没有联络, 冬天快到了, 从下周开始 (October 31st), 英国就返回格林尼治标准时间(GMT) ,因此很早就天黑了英国在世界上是个很安全的国家, 但是大家都应该留意英国新闻报道, 英国经济低迷,而且英国新政府在调整政府的公共费用(public spending budget),影响了不少英国人民, 因此轻微罪行(例如偷窃等) 越来越多。



It is a known fact that International students from China have a rich family so you guys will be targets of crime.



I suggest you all work together to help reduce the risk of anything happened to you and your friends.



Ways to protect yourself and friends.


l  In the dark always walk with your friends. If you believe someone is following you, cross the road to check, if they are following you, simply go into the nearest shop or knock on someone’s house and let them know you believe you are being followed.

I do not suggest you approach someone who is following you or say anything to them.

晚上出行的时候,最好有人陪伴;如果你们发现有人跟踪,立刻过马路,甩掉他们,但是千万不要拿手机出来,你可以选择直接去附近的商店或者人家,敲门告诉他们 “Sorry I just knocked on your door because I think the people behind us are following us, I’m going to call a friend to help us. ”

如果你经常要一个人走路的话, 你可以买个 Personal Alarm, 

按这里就可以看 Argos 卖的Personal alarm.

按这里就可以直接到 amazon Personal alarm 主页


l  Do not show strangers you have expensive gadgets such as an Iphone. This is particularly attractive to thieves.



l  Do not use luxury items – English people do not look up to students with designer bags, in fact quite the opposite, many people will despise you. I seriously suggest you do not flash around your LV bags etc.


不要忘记你们是学生, 同时也要了解英国和中国文化的差异,在英国没有人会认为学生使用奢侈品是值得炫耀的一件事。 强烈建议你们不要随便购买奢侈品。如果你过分炫耀财富,很容易引起犯罪分子的注意。


l  Do not encourage your friends to go gambling. Gangs hang around the casino’s and often will track students who spend a lot of money in casino’s This will affect not only yourself but your friends too.

每年都会有好多中国学生去赌博, 这件事我无法控制, 但是我要告诉你们,你贪新鲜去一次两次无所谓, 但是如果你常常出现在赌场,你就是明摆着告诉别人,你很有钱,这样招摇过市,很容易引起抢劫和偷窃的发生。很多犯罪个人和团伙都会紧盯着在赌场赌博的人,很有可能他们会跟着你回家,然后实施抢劫。

每年都有学生被黑社会抢劫, 都是因为跟赌博场有关系。

 如果你认识一个朋友离不开赌博场, 请你跟花心热线联络, 资料在下面。

l  Do not carry large amounts of cash. Keep your money in your bank, if you card is stolen, report it immediately.



最后不要忘记按照中华人民共和国 和 英国法律。

希望大家注意安全, 和谐是从你开始的。


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