


  [作文类型] 柱状图

  [作文题目] The graph below shows the support rate of four solutions to global warming in four European countries.


  [综合点评] 此类柱状图建议从组内和组间的两种对比方式入手,注意每种解决方案最受欢迎和最不受欢迎的数据进行重点强调。建议主体段一段根据不同方案进行组间对比,主体段二段分不同国家进行组内对比,总结段再对特殊数据进行重点强调。柱状图的写作中需要注意突出数据间的排名关系和差距。


  [作文题目] Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for or they want to do. Is this good for children? What could be consequences for these children when they grow up?

  [题目分析] 混合类题型,需要分段针对两个问题分别作答

  [题材类别] 教育类

  [思路分析] TR部分得分重点在于论述父母无限给孩子满足要求的利弊和长远的危害,注意题干首句中隐藏的or决定了文章需要根据“孩子要求”和“孩子想要做的事情”分别论述。主体段首段作答第一小问,第二段作答第二小问。


  Some children are having all their wishes granted by their parents, be it something they want or something they want to do. In my opinion, this tends to be detrimental to the children’s growth and could have disastrous effects to them in the long term.

  First of all, it’s undeniable that parents are to provide and fulfill the necessary needs and wishes of children, whether it’s some snacks or a taking them to a park. However, taking a step further and becoming the Genie in Aladdin could significantly obstruct the development of children’s sense of finite and boundaries. The first attribute, from my perspective, is achieved through denying their unreasonable requests, for example, tons of snacks every day, which effectively demonstrated how both the parents’ resources and abilities are finite. Whilst understanding the second could not be accomplished unless the inappropriate activities, say, littering in the park, are stopped. The parents could set up the idea of boundaries in such way.

  With the absence of such senses, the children could grow up to be greedy and lawless adults. Unable to understand the idea of finite, there will be a tendency for children to demand more from their parents, for toy cars to actual cars, which, in the end, will destroy the family economically. On the other hand, adults who spurn at idea of boundaries could do the same to laws, which will lead to catastrophic results, including serious crimes that destabilizes the society. Many who committed crimes wouldn’t acknowledge that what they’ve done are wrong, as the idea of boundaries hasn’t been installed by their parents in the first place.

  In conclusion, for parents, the question of whether the wishes of children should be granted must be carefully deliberated to install the essential idea of finite and boundaries in the children’s development. For those who wouldn’t say no to their kids are likely to raise up a group of greedy and lawless adults that will be rejected by the society.


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