雅思口语:Part3主题: 环境Environment

  今天小编给大家带来了“雅思口语:Part3主题: 环境Environment”,感兴趣的童鞋快和小编一起看看下文吧!希望大家能够喜欢小编整理的这篇文章哦~

  there might be a cost in terms of damaging our planet 可能对我们的地球造成破坏

  But our appetite for buying our lunchtime fare is not just costing us money, there might be a cost in terms of damaging our planet too.


  produce waste 产生垃圾

  Just grabbing a sandwich, crisps and maybe a cake and coffee can produce at least four items of waste.仅仅抓一个三明治,薯片,或者蛋糕和咖啡就能产生至少四种垃圾。



  carton 纸盒板

  plastic cutlery 塑料餐具

  disposable 一次性的

  Cartons, cups, wrappers and plastic cutlery are all part of our disposable feast in addition to the food waste we create.除了我们制造的食物垃圾外,纸盒、杯子、包装纸和塑料餐具都是我们一次性盛宴的一部分。

  reusable coffee cups 可重复使用的咖啡杯

  The idea of using reusable coffee cups for hot drinks and refilling water bottles has already proved successful, so this could be another step in the right direction.将可重复使用的咖啡杯用于热饮和重新装水的想法已经被证明是有效的,所以这可能已经在朝着正确方向迈出了又一步。

  something to chew on 应该认真思考的问题

  The message seems to be that if we give our lunchtime eating habits some thought, we can all do our bit in helping reduce climate change and damage to our environment. That is something for all of us to chew on!这似乎表明,如果我们对午餐时间的饮食习惯稍加思考,我们都能在帮助减少气候变化和环境破坏方面做出自己的贡献。这是我们所有人都应该认真思考的问题!

  雅思口语:Part3主题: 环境Environment。以上就是小编今天要和大家分享的内容,想要了解更多资讯的童鞋可以关注网校哦!最后,小编预祝大家早日通过考试哦~



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