雅思口语Part1话题: Weather天气

  今天小编即将要跟大家分享的是“雅思口语Part1话题: Weather天气”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!有兴趣的小伙伴赶快和小编一起来了解一下吧!

  be really unpleasant 令人烦恼的

  In my memory, winters always used to be really unpleasant.


  bundle up to keep warm 多穿衣服来保暖

  You had to bundle up just to keep warm when you went outside. You were often cold, wet and never more than a sodden misstep away from a patch of black ice.你在外面的时候必须多穿衣服来保暖,你经常会感到又冷又湿,远离路上的薄冰防止自己变得湿漉漉的。

  have a nasty slide 滑到的很严重

  If you didn't have a nasty slide, you'd arrive home to an ice-cold house.如果你不想滑到的很严重,你就必须回到冰冷的家。

  turn on the heating 打开暖气设备



  And that would mean turning on the heating and waiting.然后打开暖气设备慢慢等待。

  get chilled to the bone 寒冷刺骨

  It's a miracle you didn't get chilled to the bone.在冬天不再寒冷刺骨是一个奇迹。

  toasty 暖哄哄的

  With a smart thermostat, our homes can be toasty when we need them to be.拥有一个智能的温度调节器,在你需要的时候使你的家暖哄哄的。

  regulate temperature 调节温度

  Many models feature smartphone apps that allow you to regulate temperature remotely, so we can warm up the house before we arrive home.许多控温器器可以采用智能手机软件来远程调节温度的,所以你还没到达家的时候就可以把家里温度升高。

  keep snug in the dead of winter 在隆冬时节保持温暖

  What better way to keep snug in the dead of winter?有什么更好的办法让你在隆冬时节保持温暖呢?

  make their blood run cold 使他们不寒而栗

  For many, the thought of winter used to be enough to make their blood run cold.对许多人来说,想象中的冬天曾经足以使他们不寒而栗。


  今天小编的分享就到这里了,以上就是小编今日想要分享给大家的“雅思口语Part1话题: Weather天气”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!更多精彩详细资讯请关注网校!



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