

  1. Are your friends mostly your age or different age? Why?

  Most my friends are around my age (跟我差不多大) cos they are mainly (主要是)my schoolmates(同校同学)or colleagues(同事), we got to know each other (认识对方)since we all went to the same school (在一个学校上学)or work in the same company (在一个公司工作)and our friendship has gradually been strengthened (友谊逐渐被巩固)during the happy time we spent together(一起度过的快乐时光). We always have a lot to talk about(有说不完的话) and sometimes we would love to hang out together (一起出去玩)or eat together(一起吃饭), and when we need some help or advice (需要帮助或者建议), we can also count on(指望) each other.

  2. Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?



  Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?

  I have lots of so-called friends (所谓的朋友)but actually there are just a few (只有几个)who I really consider as true friends(我可以看作是真正的朋友), we are close and intimate (关系很近很亲密)and hopefully (很有可能)we’ll become life-long friends(一生的朋友). When we are free, we gather together (一起聚聚)from time to time (时不时)and even when we(甚至当我们)are busy with our own stuff (忙于自己的事情)and don’t talk to each other for a long time(很久都不联络), we don’t drift apart(我们也不会因此疏远).

  3. Do you usually see your friends during week or at weekends? Why?

  The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?

  I usually see them during weekends or holidays(在周末或者假期) cos it’s when we can finally find some free time(终于有一些闲暇时间) to meet each other(见面) and have some fun(嗨一下). We might have a meal together(一起吃顿饭), see a movie(看电影), go shopping(逛街), or pamper ourselves (对自己好一点)with massage or manicures(去按摩或者修指甲).





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