雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 幼时学校

  今天小编即将要跟大家分享的是“雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 幼时学校”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!有兴趣的小伙伴赶快和小编一起来了解一下吧!


  Describe a school you went to in your childhood.

  You should say:

  Where it was

  What it was like

  What you learned there

  And explain how you felt about it




  1. 这是一道地点题,讲的是你childhood的学校。至于童年这个概念,Jennifer老师已经帮大家查好,法律意义上,18岁以下称为child,所以这道题你可以讲幼儿园、小学、初中,乃至高中。

  2. 讲述地点类问题,首先回答第一题,讲一讲该地点的类型、地点、特征。

  3. 第二题,可以说一说学校的外观,换言之,肉眼可见的“设计”“设备”“建筑”等

  4. 第三题,可以说一说学校的课程和教学特色。比如文理科、特色科目、课后活动。

  5. 最后一题,可以表达自己对这所学校的想法,可以正面也可以负面,最好两者都有。


  Okay I’d like to tell you about the school that I went to when I was younger. It was my high school and it’s one of the big four schools in Shanghai which is actually a high school affiliated to a famous university. So it’s kinda a big name in my city even my country.

  Basically, if you want to enter this school, you’ll have to take the exam and become the top 1%, which is absolutely mad and I guess you’ll need some luck alongside your hard work.

  As for what it was like, I’ll say it looks like a quasi-university. I mean, it has almost everything that a university has, including several teaching buildings, a laboratory building with all the good equipment, a cafeteria that offers all three meals, two sports centers, a huge playground with a standard, 400-metre track, a specific area for student accommodation and many other buildings that facilitate the teaching and student life. So yeah… it’s huge.

  As for the courses and curriculum, I’ll say this school focuses a lot on the scientific and technological bit. Almost all students in this school are required to complete an independent research before year 2. And the good ones will be sent to some big competitions in my city and even to a national or international level. Every year we got loads of students who got big prizes and championships from all kinds of scientific competitions. And apart from that, we also got sufficient time for extra-curriculum activities, like…societies, students union and many other sports clubs.

  So, my feeling towards this school is that - it’s really nice and definitely a place for students to achieve, but at the same time, it’s extremely competitive which means all students have to suffer from huge pressure. But you’ll be okay as long as you have your own goal and stick to your plan. It’s a very painstaking time for me but yet, very meaningful.


  今天小编的分享就到这里了,以上就是小编今日想要分享给大家的“雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 幼时学校”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!更多精彩详细资讯请关注网校!



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