雅思口语高分模板 2 关于种类/类型类的问题

第2种比较主流的问题是 种类/ 类型类的问题, 在这个部分的问题交流中,

请注意---- 切忌流水账似的罗列举例。

比如:问题: Tell me about the types of sports that are popular in your country .

      考生回答: OK! There is tennis , football, basketball and so on .

这种 ,很显然犯了中式英文的毛病。

1. 习惯式的使用中式思维的罗列方式。

2. 词汇过于简单,属于幼儿级别。

3. 结构单一,there be 句型使用不够精彩,使用简单。

4. SO ON 就是它!中式英文一大高频词!





1. Tell me about the types of transportation that are popular in your country.

2. What kinds of movies are popular in your country ?

3. What types of shops can be found in your local area?

4. What types of things do people usually do in their free time in your country?

那么关于种类的词汇,如type ,kind ,sort 你要记牢。


1. 开头第一句,Well actually ,there's quite a wide range of ( 问题词,如例子中的sports) that are (很关键,用其他相近形容词替换,如例子中的popular ,替换成most welcomed) in my country.

2. 介绍第一种类型; But i guess the most (被替换的形容词,如 welcomed ) would probably be (具体一种类型,如 table tennis )

3. 详细说明原因; The thing with ( 具体类型,如table tennis )is that (原因,如they are widely participated by the whole nation in my country.

4. 介绍第二种类型; As second variety of ( 问题词,如sports) would be something like (第二种类型 如 badminton ) .

5. 详细说明原因;  And the main characteristic of ( 第二种类型 如badminton)is that ( 原因, 如: it is surely one of the leisure activities which costs you less and is also a good way to keep you fit.

6. 结束; And obviously ,you can find things like (其他列举 如 yoga ,squash ,tennis )people like to do in their free time ; although they are not as ( 问题中出现的形容词,如popular ) as the first two that I mentioned .


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