雅思口语高分材料Keep fit & Sport

To feel ‘fit as a fiddle', you must tone down your middle.
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GWW{*g0Author Unknown
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Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states.
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4Bf)`p?tBY0Carol Welch
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Walking is the best possible exercise.中国雅思网Ai~1atRN"[-l
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Thomas Jefferson中国雅思网,GlA0g:^5_1?(Q1}

n8D`/ K~0Exercise alone provides psychological and physical benefits.中国雅思网/h#eu0_X9H(Y1yur
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James Rippe, M.D.中国雅思网m4b)^N3l9?+/
Breathing correctly is the key to better fitness, muscle strength, stamina and athletic endurance.中国雅思网:P3d8Z+lU6[ qg!Lo
Dr. Michael Yessis
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Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork. 中国雅思网+d;@1g L}d
English Proverb中国雅思网sbRjg%ej/RY
Physical activity is an excellent stress-buster and provides other health benefits as well. It also can improve your mood and self image.中国雅思网%VkJ`y/Z%}4w

!y x^/?m9B YA0 Jon Wickham中国雅思网;Z'By^d;j+d-e3in
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
w-FMX6gK$m0 John F. Kennedy
Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.中国雅思网6C f1RG3B

` fu&E.aY6mT0Oprah Winfrey
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