2016年4月最新雅思口语part3地点类话题范文--Describe historic buildings

摘要:今天和大家分享雅思口语part3中地点类话题的范文讲解,主要涉及5个问题:1.Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?2.Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?3.What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?4.What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?5.Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?一起来看!



1.Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?

2.Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?

3.What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?

4.What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?

5.Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?

Sample answers:

1.Personally, I like old buildings and history so for me it’s a good idea to protect and preserve them. We can learn a lot about our history from the buildings of the past and it’s fascinating for children to see how people used to live many centuries ago. They are a very important part of our national culture and heritage.

conserve 保留,保存同义词 preserve

2.If people are interested in it, then it can be useful, yes. You can learn how the world was in the past, which countries had wars with each other and how and why cities developed where they did… and many other interesting things. Without history we wouldn’t have any sense of belonging to a place as people.

Maybe people many years in the future will look back at us in the 21st century and be amazed at the things we did and how we lived. They’ll probably have more than just buildings to study… they’ll be able to see cars, TVs and all the other things which make up life for us at the moment...so yes it could be useful for them as a way to understand what was happening in the world.

3.I suppose the main difference would be the type of materials used to construct them. Old houses used to be built using stone and they were also bigger than most houses built today. Most of the houses were built simply as somewhere to provide shelter and a degree of comfort. Nowadays, houses are built with a lot more planning and technology involved. They are designed to be energy efficient, use recyclable raw materials or eco-friendly resources and are designed to optimize space and their impact on the environment as well as provide a comfortable place for people to live.

energy efficient 高效节能

recyclable raw materials 可循环使用的原料

optimize 优化

4.In general, I believe that houses today are smaller than houses which were built centuries ago. We also tend to build more apartments in cities than houses in the country so the size is quite different from before. Even large houses nowadays take up less space than a large house centuries ago.

5.I like to have space, but it doesn’t need to be an extremely big house. I live in an apartment here in Melbourne at the moment and it’s really nice. I share with two other students and we each have our own room, there’s a kitchen and two bathrooms, a living area, a utility room and a balcony with a nice view. Really, that’s big enough for me. I wouldn’t want to live in a really big house, even if I could afford to buy one, but I wouldn’t want to live in a really small house either. Like I said, I prefer some space… I don’t like feeling cramped.

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