2016年5月雅思口语part2新题思路详解+范文:Describe an activity that you do in your school

摘要:雅思中国网雅思君今天跟大家分享5月雅思口语变题季part2新题Describe an activity that you do in your school.(描述你学校的一项活动)思路及范文,欢迎同学们参考!


Describe an activity that you do in your school.

You should say:

When and where you do

What you like to do

Who you do it with

And how you feel about it





职,最后甚至熬夜奋战(mid-night oil together),最终完成了摄影相册。

收获:获得成就感(sense of fulfillment)的同时,也学到了传统文化。

Sample answer:

Talking about an activity that I remember be part of is the photography competition in my high school. Well, to be frank(坦白说), my memory fails me and I cannot recall the exact date when I attended the craft activity but I am sure it must be in the high school.

The activity actually was kind like a project, aiming to help students get familiar with photography and be more conscious about preserving traditional culture. Actually, the theme of the competition is “ Where is our tradition”,which means all the participants(参与者) have to take a series of pictures of things related to our tradition or culture.

Some of my classmates who were interested in photography and me formed a team and we did the project together. Some of my team members are really brilliant and professional in photography and some others are specialized in traditional stuff and history. After we registered(等记) for the competition, we were really excited and eager to do it well. So, naturally, we did a lot of preparation,the whole group was divided into 3 teams, Team 1 was responsible for searching information on the Internet and Team2 to design the framework and album, and I was in the Team 3, taking the pictures. My team went to lots of places in my hometown and took lots of pictures, including paper cut, pottery(陶器), embroidery(刺绣) and even Chinese knot(中国结). We worked really hard for it after school because the time for us was quite limited, only one week I guess. For one or two days, we even burned mid-night oil together in my home. But, when we finished the album,we achieved great sense of fulfillment. I mean we really do something by ourselves. More importantly, through this art activity we learnt more and about our tradition.


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