2016年5月雅思口语part2新题思路详解+范文:Describe a kind of food

摘要:雅思中国网雅思君今天跟大家分享5月雅思口语变题季part2新题Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for first time(描述你第一次吃一种食物的场景)思路及范文,欢迎同学们参考!


Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for first time.

You should say:

When you had it

Where you ate it

What it was

and how you felt about it


第一次尝试的食物: 巴基斯坦食物




Sample answer:

Last month I tried the Pakistani(巴基斯坦) food for the first time in a restaurant with my friends, and among all the dishes, I like the Biryani(咖喱炒饭) best. The restaurant is located near our university, and it is famous for the Pakistani food. At first, I’m not sure I will like it or not, but since every day the restaurant is packed with people, so I went there to have a try.

To my surprise, the food there was so delicious that I thought it was unmatched(无敌的) for flavor(风味). It tasted a little spicy, but suited my taste very well. The dishes were flavored with exotic (异国风味)herbs (芳草)and spices. I had been to many countries in this world and tried many things, but I had never tasted any other delicious food like this. Pakistani food soon became my favorite food.

I remember that at that time I just failed the exam, and I felt so frustrated that I didn’t want to eat anything. But the Pakistani food was so tempting that as soon as I saw it, I started feeling hungry. It was so mouth-watering and scrumptious (美味的)that I ate it in high quantity. I think Pakistani food has a magic power that can help me forget sadness and cheer up again.

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