8月雅思口语范文Part3--和polluted place有关的4个问题

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语8月的Part3口语范文,是和polluted place有关的4个问题,以及相对应的范文。范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天雅思中国网雅思频道为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于polluted place,来看一下相关的4个问题及答案:

8月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语范文Part3--和polluted place有关的4个问题图1

8月雅思口语最新Part 3部分话题范文汇总

1.What kinds of pollution are serious in your country?

Well, in my opinion, air and water pollutions are serious in my countries. With the development of economy and technology, a large amount of harmful gases are discharged from the factories, polluting both the air and the water. Besides, the abundant use of chemical pesticides also makes the water seriously polluted.

2.What can individuals do to protect our environment?

Well, it is everyone’s civil responsibility to protect our environment and there are many things that individuals can do to protect it. Firstly, we can reuse the resources after reclaiming and reprocessing.

Secondly, we should diminish the amount of garbage produced by ourselves. Thirdly, we can recycle resources by passing through a series of changes or treatments as to process, recover or make available for reuses through natural process of biochemical degradation or modification.

3.Do you think individuals should be responsible for pollutions?

Well, individuals should be partially responsible for pollution and do their part to control what they can at their home, going to work or play, but the government has a larger responsibility to remove more vehicles off of the roads and to control the exhaust from power plants.

4.Why is there a need to involve government in environmental protection?

The need is very obvious. The citizens of our country have no control over power plants, manufacturing businesses and the use of automobiles. These are the largest contributors for air, water and land pollution. Without the governments intervention, there would be no environmental protection at all.

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