9-12月雅思口语P3话题范文:a big city you visited

摘要:雅思中国网雅思频道第一时间为大家带来9月雅思口语变题季p3部分话题范文。本文给大家带来的是Describe a big city you visited(参观过的城市)的范文,9月有考试的同学们抓紧来学习啦!

一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新题季,雅思中国网雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出part 3部分范文答案:Describe a big city you visited,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧!

9-12月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语P3话题范文:a big city you visited图1

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?

Shanghai left a deep impression on me. My parents occasionally allow me to go there with my older cousin. I simply adore the hustle and bustle of the place. I don’t even mind having to wear a mask everywhere. I think it’s cool, and it isn’t weird at all considering that most people do it. I particularly like coming here to shop for presents and trinkets, since you can find something to suit any wallet, age or taste. The old and the new combine on the Yuyuan market to provide the best picture of the local life you can get. It is fascinating, to browse the stores, going both through modern high-end technology hubs, and small wooden houses where generation after generation have practiced the same craft or served the same signature dish since at least a few centuries back. These are one next to the other, making the contrast that much more evident. I sometimes simply enjoy sitting on the side of the street, eating a filled glutinous rice ball and listening to the bits and pieces of different languages that the tourists are flinging enthusiastically at each other. If you ever want to see multiculturalism, this is the place to come to. A couple of days here are more than enough for me to do my shopping, take the odd visit to the Natural History Museum, and enjoy the dishes I particularly like.

2.What kind of people like to live in the countryside?

Living in a big city means you are accessible to all the advanced facilities and infrastructures. But it also means the opportunity to be exposed to the natural environment will be reduced.

3.What problems and benefits are there for families living in a big city?

Those who enjoy live in countryside are those who love natural environment and fresh air.

4.What about the children?

Families in a big city can enjoy the advanced facilities in downtown, and children can have better opportunities for education than children in rural areas. However, the problems is children and their parents get fewer chance to get some fresh air in natural places.

5.What do you like better, the city or the countryside?

I like the city better cause the facilities and infrastructures are more advanced than those in countryside and in cities you can more opportunities to enjoy networking and recreation activities as there are plenty of bars and restaurants.

6.Why do people want to go to the city?

Because there are a lot of fancy stuff in the city. Like advanced facilities, interesting places to go with family and friends as well department stores to shop chic clothes.

7.What are the advantages of education in a city?

Children who receive education in the city can access to the best education resources such as good teachers and advanced teaching facilities such as high-tech equipment and well-equipped labs. And they also have more opportunities to participate in various extracurricular activities.

8.What about the transportation system in cities?

Transportation system such as the metro and public buses are very convenient in big cities. Especially metro, like in Shanghai, you can go to anyplace in the city by metro. And another popular public transportation is public bicycle which has been widely promoted in Hangzhou.

9.Are there any problems with cities?

Yes, of course. First is the heavy traffic, not only for cars on the roads, but also for people who commutes everyday with public transportations such as the subway. Second is the high cost of living. It really cost one an arm and a leg to purchase a property in city like Shanghai.

10.Is there anything bad about living in a city?

Yes. The living cost in a city is usually much higher than the countryside. And the environment problem is serve in city. Too much traffic discharges harmful gases, and the air and water is seriously polluted.

11.Which city did you visit last time?

It was Barcelona. I like Barcelona the best out of all the cities I've visited. I like it mostly because it is city of art and there are many interesting and artistic architectures, such as the Sagrada Familia, Casa Batllo and Casa Mila. And they are all work from Antony Gaudy and he is my favorite architect.

12.Why did you choose this city?

Before I went to Barcelona, I've already read books about Gaudy and his work, I was much attracted and that's why I went there.

13.What did you do when visiting this city?

We took a open top tour bus to visit the city as there was explanations about all the attractions and places of interest of this city on the bus.

14.Did you go to any parks?

Is it a public park or a private garden?Why?

I often go to a park near my apartment. It is a public park, for people to do exercise and get some fresh air. I usually go there in the morning or evening, and I can see many retired people there.

15.Do Chinese live in Hotels quite often?

Yes, when people traveler go for a business trip to other places, they choose a hotel to accommodate.

16.What types of Hotels exist in China?All kinds of. There are hotels of various price levels such as the economical and practical type as well as the luxury type.

17.What factors are more important for a Hotel?

I think it should be sanitation and service. Sanitation is an essential standard of a hotel and if the room or the bedding are not clean, guests will feel very unhappy to live in. Speaking of service, it is one of the vital standards for customers to rate the hotel.

18.How to select a Hotel?

By selection a hotel, the first I usually consider is the location, it is easily accessible to public transportations? And secondly, I'll review comments of those who has lived in this hotel to see if the sanitation situation is acceptable and what kind of service the hotel provides.

19.How often do you live in a Hotel?

Only when I travel to other cities. It's just level times a year.

20.How about the quality of the service?

The quality of the service are mainly depend on the attitude of staff in that hotel. Some of them are very hospitable, but some of them even don't response when you ask something.

21.Will you give a hand to your friend if you live in your friend’s home?

Yes, of course. Because I may cause inconvenience if I live in my friends house, I am supposed to offer some help. When I lived in my friend house, I paid for the bills and carry the bags from grocery..

22.What affects people’s life in city?

The most important thing is income. People with different income level can live a totally different life. Some people are just struggling on the survival line while the others can buy luxury goods a lot.

23.What makes a town grow into a big city?

I think factors like transportation, economy and population can contribute the to size growth of small towns. As for transportation, it is shown on the history that anyplace will turn into a big city if it is a transportation junction, where several railway lines are joined here. Secondly, speaking of economy, the size will definitely increase with the growth of economy. Thirdly, if the number of people live in that place expands, then the size of the town will grow accordingly.

24.Should every one drive in the city?

For those who live in the city, they should be encourage d to take public transportation rather than drive their own cars consideration of the traffic jam and air pollution.

25.Why do more people bring their children to cities?

Basically, they are seeking for better education for their children. In a general way, there are more schools with first-class teachers and teaching facility in the city. What's more, children can be accessible to better opportunities in schools of a city level.

26.What do you think of pollution in cities?

I think they should be controlled and effective measures should be taken by both government and citizens immediately. If the pollution in a city is much serve, then people will soon leave that place to seek for a new home with better environment.

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