9月雅思口语p2范文答案: a course you studied in school

本文给大家带来的是part2话题:“Describe a course you studied in school or evening school 学过的课程”的范文,9-12月有考试的同学们抓紧来学习啦!

9月雅思口语p2范文答案: a course you studied in school图1


Describe a course you studied in school or evening school.

You should say:

what course it is

how long you studied it

and explain why you studied a it

sample answer:

‘Book Keeping & Banking’ was one of the most interesting courses I took in my university level and I thoroughly enjoyed this course. In fact I learned many new concepts and theory from this course that it helped me a lot throughout the remaining semesters. This was a mandatory course in the 3rd semester in my Bachelor of Business Administration studies and the courses on this subject lasted for four months. I was so interested in this course that later on I took 3 other courses in different semesters related to banking.

I learned the accounting concept of banking, how a bank is operated, how the banking transactions and accounting are maintained, how the central banks control the money supply of the market and many more concepts from this course. A practical session was included in this course and I learned some basic transaction processes of bankers from this lab sessions.

In my third semester this was a mandatory course and I had no alternatives other than taking this course. I came from Science background until my undergraduate course and that’s why I had no prior accounting course experience. I was bit dubious about this course in my university level as I did not know what it includes. But after I completed this course, I found myself very much interested in Banking procedure and automated banking.

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