9-12月雅思口语P2话题范文:a good habit of your friends

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9-12月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语P2话题范文:a good habit of your friends图1

Describe a good habit of your friends you want to develop.

You should say:

what the habit is

who has the good habit

why you think the habit is good

and explain why you want to develop this habit

sample answer

Well, I would I like to talk about my friend John, who has been exceptional in sense of humour, that habit I would desperately want to develop. No doubt, its not easy to develop such habit, because its been considered a god gift, a kind of natural phenomenal talent. But even looking for adopting a some of bit. The way he easily pranks the jokes or fun from any earnest situation, his anecdotes are so amusing sometimes create boisterous laughter in public that makes us feel embarrassing. And due to this he is used to be welcomed by people at anywhere, deals the situation quite easily without getting panic. On the contrary, nobody can bear me more than half an hour or start suffocating because I am that kind of serious, studious always talking about serious affairs of the world. So indeed look forward to have such skills so I can make people laugh and they find me funny and enjoy my company for more than half an hour.

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