9-12月雅思口语题库P2话题范文:someone/sth that made you laugh

摘要:雅思中国网雅思频道为大家带来9月雅思口语变题季各部分话题范文。本文给大家带来的是Describe a person/something that made you laugh的范文,接下来有考试的同学们抓紧来学习啦!


9-12月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语题库P2话题范文:someone/sth that made you laugh图1


Ok right then, well the time I’m going to talk to you about was when my son, who’s only, like, two and a half years’ old, said something that really made me laugh. And not just me, but everyone around me at the time, cos it was absolutely hilarious, as I’ll explain in a moment.

Anyway, as for when it happened, um… well I suppose it was, like, two or three weeks ago, so it was pretty recently. And basically what he did was say, in Chinese, “唉呀妈呀!“ which kind of translates in English as “Oh my god!” or something along those lines. And um, as I said, everyone around who heard it just burst out laughing, because none of us expected him to say that, you know, it was completely out of the blue!

I mean, it’s not something you would expect a child of that age to say, so it was a complete surprise for us to hear him say that. I guess he must have just heard us saying it at some stage and picked it up. And, what also made it so funny was the fact that he said it exactly the same way an adult would, you know, with the feeling and intonation and everything! So it was incredibly funny, and even he laughed after seeing our reaction!

Um…, what else is there is to say? Uh... that’s pretty much it I guess. But you know, I just find it amazing how well he picks up on the things we say, especially when it seems that he’s not even paying attention, but he’s actually taking everything in. So yeah, I think it just goes to show that children are a lot more intelligent than they look!


Like - 表示思考下面的话或用作口头禅 (often said before numbers in spoken English)

hilarious – 笑死了

something along those lines - 类似的话

burst out laughing - 突然大笑起来

it was completely out of the blue – 很突然, 出乎意料

at some stage – at some time

intonation - 语调

that’s pretty much it I guess – 差不多就这样!

taking everything in - 吸收一切

it just goes to show - 这恰恰证明…

Other useful phrases:

I never get bored in his company.

Whenever I’m with him, he always makes me laugh.

He has done a lot of other amusing things as well, but this one, for me, was definitely the most funny.

Ok, well something


Ok, well something that really made me laugh recently was a short video I watched on the Internet, which was of a guy doing various impressions of different English accents, as well as a few Chinese ones. So for example, one impression he did was of an American guy speaking Chinese, and another one was a French guy speaking English, which was absolutely hilarious, because it sounded so similar to how a lot of French people speak English.

Anyway, regarding how I heard about this video, well it was basically just one of my university coursemates who first told me about it. And he was so insistent that I watch it that he emailed me a link to the video, which I watched pretty much as soon as I received his email, because from what he had said about the video, it sounded really funny, so I couldn’t wait to watch it.

And I’m glad to say that it definitely lived up to my expectations, and at one point I think I was laughing so much that my sides were beginning to hurt. Thankfully no one else was around when I watched it, otherwise I’m sure they would have looked at me in a very strange way! But anyway, in the end, I think I must have ended up watching the video about seven or eight times, after which I then forwarded the link to some of my other friends, who I knew would also enjoy watching it.

So yeah, I’d say it’s definitely one of the funniest things I’ve watched in quite a while, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this video goes viral, because everyone I know who’s watched it also thought it was hilarious. And who knows, the guy who made it, who I think was called Mike Sui, might well go on to become quite famous, because he's definitely got the talent!

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