


9-12月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语题库Part1话题范文:chocolate(巧克力)图1

1 How often do you eat chocolate?

2 What's your favorite flavor?

3 Is chocolate expensive in your country?

4 When was the first time you ate chocolate?

5 Is chocolate popular in your country?

sample answers:

1.I usually eat chocolate twice or three times a week. Chocolate is very sweet and I'm a little bit addicted to it,however,I need to keep my fit .

2.My favorite flavor is white chocolate,which is very sweet.When I eat white chocolate,I always have a sense of happiness. I wish that I could sleep on a bed made of white chocolate.

3.The prices chocolate vary in my country. Some of them are very expensive that can be sold at the price of 300 or 400 CNY,and some might be very cheap, only 10 or 20 CNY.

4.I remember the first time,I ate chocolate is about 5 or 6 years old.My mom bought it as my birthday

gift,and I was conquered by chocolate. I thought it was the tastiest dessert in the world.

5.Yes,chocolate is very popular in my country,especially onValentine's Day.The couples often buy chocolate as gifts for each other. And chocolate is also one of the indispensable desserts on the table for most of girls.

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