


9-12月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语题库Part1话题范文:visitors(访客)图1

1 Do you often invite friends to visit your home?

2 Do you like visitors coming to your home?

3 Do people often visit you at your home?

4 When do visitors come to your home?

5 Do you prefer to have friends visit you or relatives?

6 What do you usually do together with your visitors?

7 How do you usually show your hospitality?

Sample answers:

1.Nope/ Not really. I'm always swamped with my study/work,without much leisure time to do so.

2.Yes, as a hospitable person,I would very much like to receive visitors to share our stories,make cuisines,and add some spice to my monotonous life.

3.Not really. As a student who spends most of the time at school, I don't suppose people will visit me frequently at my home. Also, my home is sort of far away from downtown,so very few bothers to do so.

4.Mostly in festivals and sometimes at weekends. During festivals,my relatives,such as my cousins,brother-in-law,even distant relatives that I don't know how to call pay a visit to my home. Occasionally at weekends, my parents' colleagues may visit.

5.I prefer the former,because most of my friends are my peers who share similar interest with me and therefore I don't get a sense of inhibition./I prefer the latter,because as you are aware,blood is thicker than water,and,have an in-born affinity with them. Besides,most of my relatives live in cities like,Beijing,Shanghai,even New York. Their visits,therefore,strengthen our family bond.

6.Cooking is what we do most frequently. Most of my friends and relatives are fastidious gourmets,so we study how to make healthy and delicate dishes.Sometimes,we play mahjong while listening to music. We really have a blast together.

7.At the sight of visitors,I always wear a sincere smile. Then I quickly offer them seats and serve the best tea or spirits (烈酒)and snacks at my home.I ask whether the visitor needs this or that when he or she feel inhibited.

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