


2017年1月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语part1新题范文:Mirror图1


1.How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?

I have a mirror in my bathroom, and I look at myself while I am brushing my teeth. I then have another mirror at my makeup stand, and I look at it while putting on makeup. After that I do not really use it during the day.

2.Have you ever bought mirrors?

Yes, when we were redecorating our bathroom, my mother asked me to come with her to choose a new mirror.

3.Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?

There are several different types of mirrors being made these days, and some are quite artistic. I have seen ones that are decorated with shells, as well as other types of decoration. This means that mirrors can be used as a wall decoration, rather than just something to look at our reflection, and I would use them in my house.

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