


2017年1月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语part1新题范文:Dream图1


1.Do you often have dreams at night?

Yes, I dream every night

2.Have you had a bad dream before?

I do not usually have bad dreams, but I have ones where I was running away from someone, and trying to scream for help, but my voice would not come out. That was quite scary.

3.What was the strangest dream you have had?

The strangest dream I have ever had was about my dog. She had just died, and I was very upset, and in my dream she came to me and it seemed she was trying to tell me she was ok. I felt really strange, but somehow peaceful, as I was able to accept her death better.

4.What do you usually dream about?

I usually dream the most when I am about to go on a trip, or have an exam. They are classic worry dreams, where I forget to bring my passport, or to bring a pen for the exam, and then spend so long trying to find them I miss my flight, or miss the exam. I have that kind of dream quite often.

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