1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:a leader you admire

摘要:给大家带来2017年1月变题季雅思口语Part2话题重点预测的Describe a leader you admire原创高分范文,供所有的新年烤鸭参考,不过,给大家的参考范文并不建议大家照背照搬,希望大家活学活用,毕竟千篇一律的答案是绝对不受考官待见的。


1月变题季<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语P2预测话题范文:a leader you admire图1


Topic:Describe a leader you admire

You should say:

who this person is

how you know this person

what skills he or she has for leadership, and explain why you think he or she is a good leader.


In your culture, what kinds of people can be leaders?

Has there been a change in the characteristics that leaders should have?

Many women are earning more money now, does it mean that they can be leaders?


“I’m going to talk about a leader that I really look up to, who probably inspire me the most in my whole life. His name is XXX, a very famous leader of the Chinese martial arts in my Uni back to China.

To start off the speech, I would like to approach the context of how I got to know him. Everything happened when I was a new sophomore. As a first year student, everyone should choose at least a club to sign up for. So initially, I did not have any intention of joining VOVINAM club cuz I don’t have any taste in it if I don’t want I don’t wanna say I hate it. However, my mom, she always insisted me on taking part in that club with view to loosing my weight. So I had to obey her. But later it turned out that my determination wasn’t bad. And then on the meeting members date, I got to know him via the club manger’s introduction.

Moving on to the next point of skills he possessed for the leadership, I would like to highlight his brilliant speaking and listening skills. As a politician, more specifically, as a diplomatic spokesman of Vietnam, he had a sound speaking skill. Presenting his perspective coherently and nicely as one of the essences of his job, Binh successfully gained everyone’s belief in him and the club. Furthermore, it is of note that listening skill substantially helped him to be a leader in terms of feedback and other people’s stories. Even though he is really busy at work, spending five minutes listening to you doesn’t matter him.

Finally, if I still have time, I would like to talk about the reason why I assume that he is a good leader. I always tell with my parents that he is an elastic line and other club members are the points. Spot connecting is exactly what he trying to do to connect everyone as a team to remain the club’s sustainability. Upon all the devotions he got for the club, I just have three words for him: influential, accomplished and dedicated”

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