17年9-12月雅思口语话题Part2范文: an English lesson that you have taken

新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新一轮话题季,雅思中国网雅思懂你更懂雅思,第一时间为大家整理出超地道的范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。话题:Describe an English lesson that you have taken。

You should say

-when it was

-what it is

-And how you felt about this class

17年9-12月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语话题Part2范文: an English lesson that you have taken图1

范文传送门:9-12月雅思口语题库part2范文汇总 抱团输出


Referring to an English lesson I’ve ever taken, I would like to share one taken in my high school. In order to bridge communication with one of our cooperated school in Australia, my high school just invited a team of Australian teachers to teach us how to learn English.

I still remember, at the very beginning of the English speaking class, the teacher just showed a picture of our mother nature and asked students to describe our own feeling about such harmonious system. Because of being nervous and afraid of making mistakes, no student was willing to open their mouth. Then the teacher asked one to use black-color pen to smear the original painting and said whether these winding black zigzag lines like sewage or garbage. Then to my surprise, we began to talk about our ideas about this painting. During the whole discussion, the teacher never denied anyone’s answer or pointed out grammar mistakes but used constant questions to inspire us to open mouth. Afterwards, he divided the whole class into six groups and required each group to select a represent to collect all teammates’ ideas and make a summary about the threats posed by human beings.

In the end, he made comments on every group’s discussion and told us the main purpose of this oral speaking—to encourage everyone to open mouth and express their own ideas, had been reached, because he knew the most obvious weakness of Chinese students is being afraid of making mistakes, in other words, lacking of confidence. Therefore, what he contributed to do during the whole class was continuous encouragement and guidance.

You know, in China, most teachers especially high school teachers always aim to the college entrance examination and ignore developing students’ capability of practical use of language speaking especially the building-up of confidence which leads we students always neglect the practical use of language use.

Now, I turn to be a teacher and as soon as I think of this English class, I will always know what I should do first to help my students is to build up their confidence and focus more attention to the process of studying not the outcome. So this English class just become a very essential inspiration in my life.


• Should foreigners learn Chinese in China?

• What do you think the ideal age for learning a foreign language?

• When do people in your country start learning English?

• Do Chinese benefit a lot from learning English?

• Why do we need to learn a foreign language?

• What makes a good foreign language teacher?

• Do you think grammar is important in language learning?

• Why do some people can learn a language so quickly?

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