17年9-12月雅思口语话题Part2范文:Describe a statue or work of art

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17年9-12月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语话题Part2范文:Describe a statue or work of art图1

范文传送门:9-12月雅思口语题库part2范文汇总 抱团输出

You should say:

How does it look like

Where did you see it

When did you see it

And how do you feel about this work


Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait painting which is extremely famous in the whole world. It was created by Leonardo da Vinci. And in fact, this is the most known and most praised paintings in the world. A wide number of criticisms are found in this painting. I am really lucky to have this candidate task card and will explain this painting which is one of the finest art works the world has ever produced.

I first saw the painting at a museum in Paris. I was a kid then. Later, I came to know about the vastness of this piece of art. Actually, my parents took me to Louvre Museum in Paris where I first met with this painting and the character. When I grew up, I paid some visits in the same museum only to see the painting. It is said that the painting is the portrait of a woman named Lisa who was the wife of a noble man at that time.

I like the painting for a few specific reasons. The most important reason behind liking the painting is the mysterious smile of the character portrayed in. The historical value of this painting also notable. Though no exact date of origin for this painting is found, it is assumed that it has been painted in 1506. The past history of this painting also attracts me. It was acquired by King Francis but later, the painting has become the property of the French government. Moreover, it has been exhibited since 1797 in the display of this museum for permanently.

Honestly, I did not have any special feeling when I first saw it. Actually, I was a small boy then. But gradually I came to know about the history of the painting and a special attraction grew in me. Now I am a diehard fan of this painting indeed.


• What are famous in terms of art in China besides sculpture?

• Why people go to galleries?

• What are the feelings of people at the first sight of a famous painting?

• What are the differences of the young and the old in appreciating a painting?

• Why painters are not well-paid in China?

• Why people spend a lot of money buy art works?

• What are the differences of traditional arts and modern arts?

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