2018年1-4月雅思口语话题part2:一次迟到(Describe a time you were late)

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本文话题为:一次迟到(Describe a time that you were late),内容有关因迟到错过航班。



Describe a time that you were late

You should say:

When it was

What time you arrived

Why you were late

How you felt

2018年1-4月雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:一次迟到(Describe a time you were late)图1

1-4月雅思口语新题范文之:一次迟到(Describe a time that you were late)

As year ago, in order to save money, i bought a cheap flight for my trip to Shanghai. The flight was to take off at 7 am, which was very early. I got up at half past four to get ready. The airport was about a one-hour drive from where I lived. So i could have caught my plane. Unfortunately, the taxi i ordered from the day before arrived about 20 minutes late to pick me up. So even though the driver drove very fast, we arrived at the terminal at around 6.30. The personnel told me that the boarding gate for my flight had already been closed. I was very frustrated when I heard this. I called the airline and they told me I could pay an extra fee of about 300 yuan for another flight which was to take off 3 hours later. There was nothing I could do but to pay that money. So, I have never bought any early fights. I don’t want to be in a rush and risk missing my flight again.


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