2018雅思新题范文:a popular product made in your country(国家特产)

给大家带来雅思口语题库part2有关话题:Describe a popular product made in your country(国家特产)

范文来自7分高分考生,内容有关Tandoori chicken with paratha


Describe a popular product made in your country.

You should say:

what the product was

what it is used for

how it is made

and explain why this product is popular

雅思口语题库Part2范文之:a popular product made in your country(国家特产)图1


2.主题:Tandoori chicken with paratha

3.故事线:Tandoori chicken with paratha 常常用来招待客人,家乡的节日期间,我真的很享受一顿美味而又传统的美食。

Tandoori chicken with paratha is a traditional mean that we prepare in our country on many different occasions. This is a famous meal in our country and people can have them from some restaurants but they prepare this meal during festivals at home.

Tandoori chicken is originally Punjabi dish that we adopted and this dish consists of roasted chicken with spices, testing salt and yogurt. This meal is usually prepared in a cylindrical clay oven, a tandoor, in which this dish is usually prepared. The city people usually buy this special oven which is made of steel or metal but in a village, people make the oven with mud and wood.

The paratha is a special kind of baked bread. Usually, the paratha is made from wheat flat bread and then dough with cooking oil or ghee. We have this meal almost in all occasions. Not necessarily this is the only meal we prepare in our festivals but this is a very common meal along with other traditional meals. People love to have this meal in festivals and it seems like they usually assume that this is something they must prepare for the guests. In the different parts of the country, this meal gets some other variation in terms of cooking process, presentation and ingredients, but they are almost same in all part and the custom of making it in a festival is quite common.

From my childhood, I have always found this meal delicious and very common during festivals. So psychologically and in terms of its great taste, I love to eat this meal. Our people have a good hand on preparing delicious meals and as a traditional meal, we enjoy it very much. For me, I don't have the chance to eat this meal always as I live in a city far away from our hometown. So during the festival when I stay at my hometown, I really enjoy a known meal which is delicious and traditional to us.

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