2018年雅思口语新题题库:place in your country that not many tourists get there(小众旅行)

本文带来雅思口语话题高分范文:Describe an interesting place in your country that not many tourists get there(小众旅行处)


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雅思口语part2题库范文之:place in your country that not many tourists get there(小众旅行)图1




If an international tourist has a one day visit to Indonesia, I would recommend him to see the island of Bali. There are various reasons why s/he should visit the island, and I will explain in details about it.

Firstly, Bali is a small island, but it has many beautiful scenery places that people could visit in a day. The island is famous for its' beautiful beaches such as Kuta, Sanur and Nusa Dua Beach. These beaches are known for their beautiful white sands along their coast and for their waves as well, as tens of thousands of tourists from overseas are visiting the island annually. The location of these beaches is near therefore tourists could visit these beaches in just half a day.

Secondly, as these beaches are located near to Denpasar, which is the capital city of Bali, there are many things that tourist could do in the city itself. After lying down on the beach, people could see some unique entertainments in the city, such as the traditional Barong and Kecak Dance. These traditional dances are unique and artistic because they are the combination of art, magic, philosophy and religion. And then, there are so many traditional restaurants in Bali, where tourists could try these culinary places. Bali is well known for its' pork ribs and fried chicken, and many tourists have enjoyed these culinary experiences because they are crispy and spicy.

I personally believe that if an international traveller has only a day to see Indonesia, I would suggest him to visit Bali, as it has a combination of beautiful landscape, artistic traditional performance and recommended restaurants which people could visit in a day.

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