2018年5月雅思口语新题part2范文:sth interesting you haven't done

本文为你带来一道2018年5月雅思口语新题part2范文 新的雅思口语part2话题:Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven't done(朋友做过而你没有做过的有趣事情),为大家描述对网吧游戏开黑的憧憬(居然连这都没有做过!)。注:话题里的题

5月雅思口语新题part2范文:sth interesting you haven't done图1


The thing that my friend has done but I have not done is playing games in the internet cafe.


Internet cafe in China has a different image from that abroad. It is regarded as a rotten place by most middle-aged people. They believe that only those who frequently fail their subject or are unemployed would go there. It is always suffused with smoke from cigarettes and everybody there is addicted to games. If you go in, you will soon become like them. Having been surrounded by this idea since I was a little child, I have never been into internet cafe even though there are many near my school.


But my friend, Xiaomin, is different. He had gone there since secondary school. And playing games in the internet cafe takes most of his leisure time. At first, he went there without telling his parents, because he knew they would not agree. Then he came into college and there is no need to sneak.


Quite to my surprise, Xiaoming is not a bad student. He achieves great grades in every course and treat others in good manners. When we play together, he would talk about internet cafe now and then, and regard my opinion towards it as a stereotype, which should be abandoned. Smoking is even prohibited in most internet cafes. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy it or repost it. He says that it is much more interesting and exciting to play games sitting beside your friends in internet cafe than playing them alone at home. The feeling is irreplaceable. Since then, I have always wanted to experience what it is like to play games there, but until now, I have not got a chance.


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