



  Task2: Today, people in many countries can live and work anywhere they want because of improved communication technology and transport. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


  One of the advantages of ever improving communication and transportation technologies is that people today are allowed far more freedom to choose to live in the city or town that they like. In my opinion, while this modern development enables people to live a better and easier life, it is likely to have more negative impacts.


  It is true that being free to choose where to live and work alleviates people's pressure. This is most evident for those who reside in large cities where residents are faced with various problems. For example, people living in Beijing have long been concerned about the dangerously polluted air as it has been proven to be a highly possible cause of some life-threatening diseases, such as lung cancer. Fortunately, those who are able to do their work through the internet are free from this concern by relocating in an idyllic location without quitting their jobs. In addition, it is not uncommon that many people choose to work in mega cities where salaries are more satisfying but live in towns where living costs are considerably lower. What makes this possible is the rapid development of high speed trains and budge airlines.


  However, I believe that these benefits are outweighed by problems. Firstly, excessive reliance on a virtual working environment can be very risky. To be specific, people may fail to perform their daily planning and tasks as a result of technical problems, such as the failure of internet connection or breakdown of their computers. This definitely leads to low work efficiency. Also, a lack of face-to-face communication with colleagues is undoubtedly harmful to problem solving because neither emails nor text messages can precisely deliver one's intentions. Secondly, increased commute time causes people to feel exhausted and sometimes annoyed. If anything unexpected occurs, such as delayed train departure or extremely congested traffic, then the experiencing of traveling across cities and even countries would be so frustrating.


  In conclusion, although the freedom of living and working at places people prefer is appealing to almost everyone, I am convinced that such modern privilege has more downsides to consider.







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