2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 1 Study 学业学习

1. Do you work or study?
I’m a senior student at Hunan University, and I’m studying computer science now.

2. Which university did you go?
The university I went is called XXX University. It’s a very good university in China. I’m really proud to be a student there. Honestly, I was so close to being rejected because I thought my grade couldn’t meet the enrollment requirement of my university.

3. Why did you choose your school / university?
Well, when I was a high school student, I heard my university was the best university for Computer Science, which is really what I love to study. Besides, my parents also supported me to go there because they believe four years of study there would be a big help for my future career.

4. Do you like your school?
Yes, I do like my school. I mean, even though I’m often busy with all the assignments and exams, I really enjoy studying there. The teachers are all nice and cool. And most importantly, I have some really awesome friends at school. We hang out with each other all the time.

5. How many hours do you spend on study every week?
I usually spend about two to four hours every day, so basically it takes me around thirty hours a week to study. Since I have a lot of different classes, I spend most of my time doing tons of homework.

6. Which part of your school do you like?
The best part is that I can always meet new people and make friends with them. Some of my friends are people I met in class; we just happened to have a lot in common, and now we’re pretty close friends.

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