2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 56 有趣的演讲 Describe an interesting speech or talk you heard recently

Describe an interesting speech or talk you heard recently.
You should say:
When and where you heard it;
What the talk or speech was about;
Who gave the talk or speech;
And explain why you think it was interesting.

56. 有趣的演讲(是 1-4 月的考题,目前疑似属于本季度继续在考的旧题)

I’d like to talk about a speech I heard when I was in university. If memory serves correctly, it was my junior year. At the time, I was taking a business management course. The professor of that course once invited a local businessman to our class for a talk306.

The speaker was well-known in our city. He has a very popular chain coffee shop. I think it’s a
pretty big company because it has dozens of locations all over the province. He actually graduated
from my university. So he happily shared many interesting stories about him and his company.

His stories were very impressive and also interesting, especially the ones about how he entered the business field307. He is really good at business. When he was a college student, he used to sell study supplies, books and even make-up in the campus. He did fail many times and lost money, but he never gave up. After he graduated, he made his first pot of gold308 in the coffee business. I was really amazed by his achievements.

This was a really interesting talk in my opinion. And that was the first time I had listened to a successful businessman’s speech face to face. His words truly309 inspired me a lot. Even though I may not start up a business310 in the future, his speech will benefit me for life.

306 a talk: 演讲
307 entered the business field: 进入商界
308 made his first pot of gold:得到第一桶金
309 truly:绝对,真的…
310 start up a business: 创业

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