2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 36 交通工具坏掉的经历 Describe an occasion that the vehicle you took broke down i

Describe an occasion that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel
You should say:
Where you wanted to go;
When it happened;
Who you were with at that time;
And explain what impacts this breakdown had.

36. 交通工具坏掉的经历

One time, I went on a road trip in an RV. But we got a flat tire177 when we were driving on the road. It totally ruined everything178.

If I remember right, it was last national holiday. I traveled to Hunan province with my parents. My dad suggested renting an RV to get to Hunan because we live pretty close. We had never travelled by an RV. But it sounded fun to go on a short vacation with this kind of vehicle. So my mom and I both agreed to this proposal179 right away.

The road trip was great on the first day. We visited some amazing places like Fenghuang Ancient Town and Yuelu Academy. But the next day wasn’t so nice. When my dad was driving on a highway, the ride suddenly became very bumpy180. So he pulled over to the side of the road181.

And we found a flat tire when we checked out the vehicle. My dad had to call a rental company and ask for help.We were stuck182 there for almost four hours. We had to give up our plan of visiting a beautiful small town along the route183. It was so annoying that the RV broke down on the highway184.

It wasted so much of our time. So since then, I prefer public transportation when I travel. It’s much
more reliable.

177 got a flat tire: 车爆胎了
178 totally ruined everything:毁掉了(所有的行程)
179 proposal:提议,建议
180 bumpy:颠簸
181 pulled over to the side of the road:停在路边
182 stuck:困在某地
183 along the route: 沿路
184 broke down on the highway:在高速路上抛锚

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