2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 12 鼓励和帮助你实现目标的人 Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achie

Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal
You should say:
Who this person is;
How long you have known this person;
What he/she did;
And explain how he/she encouraged and helped you.

12. 鼓励和帮助你实现目标的人

Off the top of my head, the first person who has helped me achieve a goal is my co-worker Lisa70. I know her because of a part-time job I had during last summer vacation, where my job responsibility was mainly selling portable power banks71. Lisa was our team leader and I really liked working with her.

Anyway, the first day on the job was a real chore72. I still remember our boss asked us to reach the sales target73 on time. However, after I worked for a whole morning, I felt like I was out of my depth74 because there were barely75 any customers in the store. When I was worried sick about76 failing to meet the target, Lisa came up to77 me and encouraged me to not give up. She suggested that I go out and find deals instead of just waiting in the shop, and she even kindly took the time to teach me some sales tricks78 when I attended to79 my first customer.

Thanks to Lisa, I managed to achieve the goal that day. At the end of the day, Lisa had a conversation with me. She told me about the difficulties of becoming a salesperson, and encouraged me to keep at it80 no matter how hard it seemed. She saw that I was dedicated81 and passionate about sales and wanted to help me as best she could82. I was very grateful to Lisa for helping me step up my game83 when it came to sales. I honestly couldn’t have survived my first day without her.

70 Lisa: 是为了素材编写方便而写的名字,请大家在复习中结合生活实际做调整。
71 portable power banks:便携式充电宝;注意内容根据个人喜好选择调整
72 a real chore: 很混乱,很杂乱的,让人伤透脑筋的
73 reach the sales target:完成销售目标
74 out of my depth:非我能力所及
75 barely:几乎没有
76 worried sick about:对…非常担心
77 came up to:走过来
78 sales tricks:销售技巧
79 attended to:处理
80 keep at it:坚持下去
81 dedicated:专注,用心
82 as best she could: 尽她所能
83 step up my game:在能力上得到了提升

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