
6 管道支吊架 Pipe Supports and Hangers
  6.1 管架零部件 Attachment of Support
  管托 shoe
  管卡 clamp
  U形夹(卡) clevis
  锻制U形夹 forged steel clevis
  支耳;吊耳 lug; ear
  耳轴 trunnion
  止动挡块 shear lug
  托座 stool
  托架 cradle
  带状卡 strap clamp
  夹板,导向板 cleat
  可调夹板 adjustable cleat
  角板;连接板 gusset
  筋;肋 rib
  支承环 ring
  加强板 stiffiener
  底板 base plate
  顶板 top plate
  翅片式导向板 fin
  预埋件 embedded part; inserted plate
  垫板(安装垫平用) shim
  锚固件;生根件 clip
  预焊件(设备上) clip (on equipment)
  聚四氟乙烯滑动板 PTFE sliding plate
  连接板 tie plate
  连接杆 tie rod
  限制杆 limit rod
  带环头拉杆 eye rod
  连接杆 connecting rod
  杠杆 lever
  支撑杆 strut
  定位块 preset pieces
  间隔管(片、块) spacer
  滑动吊板(吊架顶部用) sliding traveler(for hanger)
  滑轮组 tackle-block
  钢索,电缆 cable
  木块 wood block
  鞍座 saddle
  裙座 skirt
  软管卷盘(简) hose reel
  管部附着件 pipe attachment
  6.2 管支架型式 Type of Pipe Support
  支承架 resting support
  滑动架 sliding support
  固定架 anchor
  导向架 guide
  限制性支架;约束 restraint
  限位架 stop
  限位器 stopper
  定值限位架 limit stop
  二维限位架 two-axis stop
  往复定值限位架 double-acting limit stop
  定向限位架 directional stop
  吊架 hanger
  弹簧架 spring support
  弹簧托架 resting type spring support
  弹簧吊架 spring hanger
  恒力吊架 constant hanger
  重锤式吊架 counter weight hanger
  弹簧恒力吊架 spring constant hanger
  弹簧恒力托架 resting type spring constant support
  滚动支架 rolling support
  弹簧支撑架 spring bracing
  减振器 snubber
  液压减振器 hydraulic snubber
  减振装置 damping device
  缓冲简(器) dash pot
  刚性吊架 rigid hanger
  6.3 标准及通用型支架
  标准管架 standard pipe support
  通用管架 typical pipe support
  悬臂架 cantilever support
  三角架 triangular support’
  支腿 leg
  Ⅱ形管架 Ⅱ-type support
  L形管架 L-type support
  柱式管架 pole type support
  墙架 support on wall
  可调支架 adjustable support
  管墩,低管架 sleeper
  特殊管架 special support
  管道支吊架图 piping support drawing
  6.4 管架安装
  背至背 back to back
  钻孔 drill
  长孔 slot; slot hole
  放气孔;通气孔 vent hole
  灌浆;水泥砂浆填平 grouting
  组装;装配 assembly
  攻螺孔 tapped; tapping
  自由滑动 free to slide
  跨度 span
  对中心;找正 alignment
  切割使适合 cut to suit
  修饰使适合 trim to suit
  伸出长度(指预埋螺栓) extrusion
  7 应力计算
  热应力分析 thermal stress analysis
  管道柔性分析 piping flexibility analysis
  荷载工况 load case
  力 force
  反力 reaction
  力矩 moment
  弯曲力矩 bending moment
  扭矩 torque
  外载 externally applied load
  荷载 load
  冷态荷载 cold load
  工作荷载 working load
  外力 external force
  内力 internal force
  力偶 couple of force
  管系 piping system
  位移 displacement
  附加位移 appendant displacement; externally imposed displacement
  角位移 angular rotation
  冷拉 cold spring
  自拉 self spring
  方向 direction
  元件 member
  节点 node
  节点号 node number
  自由 free
  固定点 fix point; anchor point
  刚性的 rigid
  柔性 flexibility
  塑性 plasticity
  热循环 thermal cycle
  剧烈循环条件 severe cyclic condition
  应力 stress
  弯曲应力 bending stress
  扭转应力 torsional stress
  轴向应力 axial stress
  剪切应力 shear stress
  拉应力 tension stress
  压应力 compression stress
  一次应力 primary stress
  二次应力 secondary stress
  位移(热胀)应力范围 displacement (thermal expansion) stress range
  许用应力范围 allowable stress range
  位移应力 displacement stress
  柔性应力 flexibility stress
  内压应力 internal pressure stress
  外压应力 external pressure stress
  纵向应力 longitudinal stress
  许用应力 allowable stress
  主应力 principal stress
  圆周应力 circumferential stress; hoop stress
  峰值应力 peak stress
  脉动应力 pulsating stress
  交变应力 alternating stress
  残余应力 residual stress
  热应力 thermal stress
  遛转半径 radius of gyration
  泊松比;横向变形系数 Poisson ratio
  弹性模量 modulus ofelasticity
  惯性矩 moment of inertia
  极惯性矩 polar moment of inertia
  断面系数 section modulus
  应力集中系数 coefficient of stress concentration
  应力范围减小系数 stress range reduction factur
  应力增大系数 stress intensification factor
  面内 in-plane
  面外 out-plane
  柔性系数 flexibility factor
  柔度特性 flexibility characteristic
  弹簧系数 spring constant
  热膨胀系数 thermal expansion coefficient
  安全系数 safety factor
  应变;变形 strain; deformation
  应变能 strain energy
  挠度;弯度 deflection
  地震 earthquake
  耐震等级 seismic class
  临时荷载 temporary load
  地震荷载 seismic load; earthquake load
  地震系数 seismic coemcient; seismic factor
  冲击荷载 shock load
  超载 superimposed load; excess load
  集中质量 lumped mass
  推力 thrust
  设计震度 design scismic coefficient
  设计响应谱 design response spectrum
  谱分析 spectrum analysis
  动态分析 dynamic analysis
  谐振分析 harmonic analysis
  固有振动型式 natural frequency mode
  阻尼振动 damped vibration
  机械振动 mechanical vibration
  音响振动 acoustic vibration
  自由振动 free vibration
  共振 resonance
  湍振 surging
  脉动 pulsation
  激振;激发 excitation
  衰减系数 decay factor; decay coefficient; attenuation constant
  固有频率 natural frequency
  周期 period
  波谷 wave trough
  波峰 wave crest
  振幅;波幅 amplitude
  水锤 water hammer
  8 隔热、隔声
  玻璃棉 glass woo1
  岩棉 rock wool
  聚氨酯;聚氨基甲酸酯 polyurethane
  泡沫玻璃 foam glass; cellular glass
  沥青 asphalt
  油毛毡 asphalt felt
  镀锌铁丝 galvanized wire
  镀锌铁丝网 galvanized wire mesh
  石棉板 asbestos board
  石棉布 asbastos cloth
  石棉织品 asbestos fabric
  管壳 shell
  棉毡 blanket
  硅酸钙 calcium silicate
  硅酸铝纤维 aluminosilicate fiber
  珍珠岩 perlite
  泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete; cellular concrete
  蛭石 vermiculite
  矿(渣)棉 mineral wool
  保温块 insulation block
  硅藻土 kieselguhr; diatomite; diatomaceous earth
  碳酸镁 magnesium carbonate
  软木 cork wood
  泡沫聚苯乙烯 cellular polystyrene; foam polystyrene
  硬泡沫橡胶 rigid foam rubber
  填颖材料 caulking material
  玛帝脂保护层 mastic weatherproof coating
  水泥抹面 finishing cement
  金属保护层 clad; metal jacketing; cladding metal
  玻璃布 glass (fiber) cloth
  镀锌铁皮 galvanized (sheet) iron; galvanized plain sheet
  铝板 alaminium sheet
  油毛毡;沥青毡 asphalt felt
  发毡 hair felt
  发泡 foaming
  导热系数 thermal conductivity factor
  隔热;融热层 insulation
  保温 hot insulation
  保冷 cold insulation
  人身保护 personal protection
  隔声 sound insulation
  防结露 anti-sweat
  防冻 winterizing
  线规 wire gage
  伯明翰线规 Birmingham wire gage (BWG)
  美国线规 American wire gage (AWG)
  支承环 support ring
  环箍 circumferential band
  钢环 steel ring
  吸声 sound-absorbing
  分贝 Decibel
  声源 sound source
  声强 sound intensity
  声压值 sound pressure level
  噪声值 noise level; sound level
  9 防腐、涂漆及腐蚀种类
  防腐漆 anti-corrosive paint; rush-proof paint
  涂漆 painting
  涂层;覆盖层 coating
  底漆 primary coat; bottom coat
  面漆 finishing coat
  清漆 varnish
  瓷漆 enamel
  防锈漆 antirust paint
  醇酸瓷漆 alkyd enamel
  酚醛漆 phenolic paint
  沥青漆 bituminous paint
  聚氨酯漆 polyurethane paint
  有机硅漆 organic silicon paint
  漆酚树脂漆 urushiol resin paint
  环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint
  过氯乙烯漆 ethylene perchloride paint
  无机富锌漆 inorganic zinc-rich paint
  耐酸漆 acid-proof paint
  耐碱漆 alkali-proof paint
  耐热漆 heat-proof paint
  测温漆 thermo-paint
  颜色 colour (color)
  淡(浅)色的;轻的 light
  深色的 dark
  红色的 red
  蓝色的 blue
  黄色的 yellow
  绿色的 green
  紫色的 purple
  棕色的;褐色的 brown
  橙色的 orange colour
  灰色的 grey (gray)
  表面处理 surface preparation
  阴极保护 cathodic protection
  耐蚀性 corrosion resistance
  腐蚀 corrosion
  点蚀 pitting
  缝隙腐蚀 crevice corrosion
  晶间腐蚀 intergranular corrosion
  电化腐蚀 electro corrosion
  接触腐蚀 contact corrosion
  气蚀 cavitation erosion
  应力腐蚀 stress corrosion
  气相腐蚀 gaseous corrosion
  氢脆 hydrogen embrittlement
  10 焊接 Welding
  10.1 焊接种类 Varieties of Welding
  电弧焊 arc welding
  电熔焊 electric fusion welding (EFW)
  气熔焊 fusion gas welding (FGW)
  电阻焊 electric resistance welding (ERW)
  有保护的金属电弧焊 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
  手工或自动隋性气体保护钨极电弧焊 manual and automatic inert gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
  自动埋弧焊 automatic submerged arc welding
  金属极隋性气体保护电弧焊 gas metal arc weiding (GMAW)
  氩弧焊 argon-arc welding,
  气体保护电弧焊 gas-shielded arc welding
  气焊 gas welding; flame welding
  等离子焊 plasma welding
  硬钎焊 braze welding
  电渣焊 electroslag welding
  爆炸焊 explosive welding
  10.2 焊接形式 Type of Welding
  角焊 fillet welding
  间断焊 intermittent welding
  点焊 spot welding
  对焊 butt welding
  搭焊 lap welding
  塞焊 plug welding
  珠焊 bead welding
  槽焊 slot welding
  堆焊 build up welding
  垫板焊 backing weld
  坡口 groove
  V形坡口 V groove
  单面U形坡口 single U groove
  K形坡口 double bevel groove
  X形坡口 double V groove
  双面U形坡口 double U groove
  U-V组合坡口 combination U and V groove
  根部间隙 root gap
  焊接符号 symbol of weld
  错边量 alignment tolerance
  10.3 焊接位置 Welding Position
  仰焊 overhead welding
  现场焊 field weld (F.W.)
  封底焊 back run welding
  立焊 vertical welding
  平焊 flat welding
  工厂(车间)焊接 shop weld
  定位焊 tack weld
  跳焊 skip welding
  节距 pitch
  10.4 焊接缺陷 Defects of Welding
  焊接裂纹 weld crack
  根部裂纹 root crack
  微裂纹 micro crack
  错位 mismatch
  弧坑 pit; crater
  焊穿 burn through
  夹渣 slag inclusion
  咬边;咬肉 undercut
  焊瘤 overlap
  气孔 porosity, blow hole
  砂眼 blister
  针孔 pin hole
  严重飞溅 excessive spatter
  未溶合 incomplete fusion; lack of fusion
  根部未焊透 incomplete penetration
  10.5 其它
  母材;基层金属 base metal
  预热 preheating
  热影响区 heat affected zone (HAZ)
  焊条 welding electrode (rod)
  焊丝 welding wire
  焊药(剂) flux
  11 热处理 Heat Treatment
  11.1 普通热处理 Conventional Heat Treatment
  退火 annealing
  局部退火 spot annealing
  中间退火 process annealing
  球化退火 spheroids annealing
  等温退火 isothermal annealing
  极软退火 dead-soft annealing
  回水 tempering
  正火 normalizing
  淬火 quenching
  水淬火 water quenching
  油淬火 oil quenching
  等温淬火 isothermal quenching
  断续淬火 slack quenching
  高温淬火 hot quenching
  水冷淬火 cold quenching
  调质 quenching and tempering
  消除应力 stress relief
  时效处理 ageing treatment
  可淬性 hardenability
  过热敏感性 superheated susceptivity
  回火脆性 temper brittleness
  11.2 表面热处理 Surface Heat Treatment
  火焰表面淬火 flame surface quenching
  感应(高频)硬化 induction hardening
  渗碳 carbonization
  渗氮 nitridation
  渗铬 chromizing
  渗铝 aluminizing
  12 检验及试验
  12.1 检验 Inspection
  焊接检验 welding inspection
  无损检验 non-destructive testing (NDT)
  肉眼检验;外观检验 visual inspection
  着色渗透检验 dye penetrant inspection
  液体渗透检验 liquid penetrant test (PT)
  X射线照相 X-ray radiography
  γ射线照相 gamma radiography
  射线检验 radiographic test (RT)
  涡流探伤 eddy current test (ET)
  超声波探伤 ultrasonic test (UT)
  磁粉探伤 magnetic particle test (MT)
  荧光渗透检验 fluorescent penetrant inspection
  12.2 试验 Test
  压力试验 pressure test
  水压试验 hydraulic test
  气压试验 pneumatic test
  气密试验 air tightness test
  泄漏试验 leak test
  卤气泄漏试验 halogen gas leak test
  盛水试验 full water test
  真空试验 vacuum test
  拉伸试验 tension test
  弯曲试验 bending test
  冲击试验 impact test
  硬度试验 hardness test
  疲劳试验 fatigue test
  压扁试验 flattening test
  扩口试验 flaring test
  金相试验 microscopic test
  腐蚀试验 corrosion test
  焊接工艺评定试验 welding procedure qualification test
  13 设计阶段及管理
  分析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase
  初步阶段 preliminary stage
  规划布置阶段 planning stage (phase)
  成品设计阶段 production design phase
  详细设计 detail design
  基础设计 basic design
  工作程序 working procedure
  界区条件 battery limit condition
  开工会议 kick-off meeting; launching meeting
  项目审核会 proiect review meeting
  项目进展情况报告 proiect status report (PSR)
  厂商协调会 vendor coordinative meeting (VCM)
  用户变更通知 client change notice (CCN)
  先期确认 advanced certified final (ACF)
  最终确认 certified final (CF)
  设计基础数据 basic engineering design data
  数据表 data sheet
  设计文件 design document
  设计注释 design note
  工程规定 engineering specification
  设计规定汇总表 design specification summary sheet (DSSS)
  资料;文件 documentation
  附件 appendix
  技术说明 technical specification
  索引;目录 index
  工程手册;设计手册 engineering manual
  计算书 calculation sheet
  批准用于规划布置 approved for planning (AFP)
  批准用于设计 approved for design (AFD)
  批准用于施工 approved for construction (AFC)
  详细设计版 detail design issue (DDI)
  参考、基准 reference
  标准 standard (STD)
  标准图 standard drawing
  图 figure; drawing
  草图 sketch
  参考图 reference drawing
  工程图 engineering drawing
  竣工图 as built drawing
  说明 description
  待定 hold
  版次 issue
  修改 revision (REV)
  审核提纲 check list
  审定 approval
  校核 check
  制图 drawn
  标题栏 title block
  项目号 job No.
  图号 drawing number (DWG No.)
  会签 inter department check
  工时 man-hour (M/H)
  工日 man-day (M/D)
  人月 man-month (M/M)
  项目 project
  项目经理 project manager
  设计经理 design manager
  状态报告 status report
  安装 erection; installation
  建设 construction
  试车 commissioning; running-in
  开车 start-up
  运行中 on stream
  停车 shut-down
  大修 over haul
  模型 model
  部门 department
  专业;学科 discipline

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