[2-12]Do Grunts and Sighs and Laughs Translate Across Cultures?

"And that could mean in a sense that they are more important. So we need fear to be able to react appropriately do a dangerous situation, to run away; and also it's important in a situation of threat to warn those around us - who are likely family members and close friends - to warn them of the danger that we're facing."

Expressions of positive emotions, like achievement, tended to sound more different.

Sounding so different, it's not surprising that each group had a hard time identifying that and other sounds representing positive emotions. Sauter says it may be because positive emotions are more about creating and strengthening bonds within one's own group, so you might not want others to know about it.

"The exception to this is laughter, which seems to be something that we're prepared to share with strangers and friends alike, which I think is fairly reassuring, actually, that there are positive emotional signals that can communicate across all cultural boundaries."

We reached Disa Sauter at her current office at the Max Planck Institute in the Netherlands. She was at University College London when she did her research. It was published online by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which also gave us permission to use the audio clips used in the study.  





另外还有研究者称为“非语言发声” - 声音,不使用的话发送邮件。



“我们都特别有兴趣在语音情感表达 - 所以诸如此类的笑声,哭声,叹息声中,叫声 - 的声音,我们都让这些类型的,但它们实际上是什么意思?”


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