
Many young people today are too worried about the way they look and this causes them problems.
Do you agree or disagree?
What is the situation in your country?中国雅思网vE f-Y&g_-^
From Levis to Louis Vuitton, amazingly how much young people have spent on taking care of their appearance.中国雅思网)Q*mKq2/Z@/R
Besides the scary price tag, their increasing attention on how they look indeed worried some, if not all, parents.中国雅思网*r/T/x'rWrL
This essay is going to describe the situation in my country and furthermore shed some personal light on such issue.
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It might be fair to say that many youngsters in my country are overwhelmingly concerned about their appearance.
~3q-a5A0eEwJU0They argue that in an era of individuality, they have the right to identify themselves through their appearance.
/LU`f5H?0Since first impression is critical in promoting oneself, therefore, a few bucks more on fashion and fad are worthwhile as long as it delivers a unique impression to others.
Y |dV9Ntkl0One good example of this is the fact that many teenagers are strongly repelling against wearing uniforms at school.中国雅思网)w9xBx{&uQ
To them, this is suffocating their individuality and uniqueness.
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*S(n/1Z5Qs9u3~3K0No sensible person will deny the pinch brought by such phenomenon.
#VxE/Kl!C8k0Besides financial concern, distraction from work or study might be people's biggest fear.
kRP0j"O5m+u M0Due to the fact that some young people are willing to sacrifice tremendous amount of time on taking care of their appearance, thus little time might there be left for their study or work and consequently their performance in study or at work could not be secured.
ea8}$TE0One rationale behind requiring uniform at schools is to partially avoid such disaster.中国雅思网^0Ga)w}R p ZE
By doing so, people hope students can shift more concentration from appearance to attendance.中国雅思网&~-{6Y.CTH'Z7Jf"e
In spite of the concerns raised by many as mentioned above, some, especially the younger generation, also voiced out their opinion.中国雅思网/WSgbc
They believe the attention on appearance can benefits the development of their social skills.中国雅思网4B$O.ug5Zv
With appearance becoming common topic during daily conversation, not discussing it might seclude one from social communication among peers.中国雅思网$Et$B/M{Z!])~-q
If they well attend their appearance, it can not only provide them an ice-breaking topic, but enhance their self-confidence as well.
'p,qO1bq1{.E0N/B6Tp0If not, however, they might feel isolated from the mainstream.
#X&{9e Ja}0To sum up,  both those who are for and against attention on appearance seem to have their grounds.中国雅思网l4Wg/Jn]m JMv%b
Personally, I dare not deny young people's concern about their appearance as a whole.
-AA7[tYg-g0Through adopting and adapting such attention, it might be able to bring us more pleasure rather than pressure. 中国雅思网0X hW*} k9f8MR4gF(J
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