


The table below shows the numbers of same day and overnight stays in public and private hospitals in 5 Australian states for last year. 

The pie chart below showspercentages of same day and overnight stays in public and private hospitals in the same 5 Australian states.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Same Day and Overnight Stays (in thousands) in Public and Private Hospitals in Australian States for Last Year





Introduction paragraph

The table and the pie chart both show last years' visits to hospitals in Australia. The table shows the number of days that patients stayed at either public or private hospitals, while the pie chart shows the percentage of patients thatstayed overnight or left the same day. Both charts present information for the same Australian states, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.

First body paragraph 

The table shows the number of days patients stayed at general and psychiatric hospitals in the public and private sectors. The public general hospitals had far more patient days than public psychiatric hospitals for every state, with New South Wales having the highest general hospital patient stays at 5,816 days and South Australia having the fewest at 1,495 days. New South Wales also had the highest public psychiatric hospital patient stays at 281 days, although Victoria had the fewest at 59 days.

Second body paragraph 

Patient days at private general hospitals were highest in Victoria (2,047 days) and lowest in South Australia(560 days). Patient days at private psychiatric hospitals were highest in New South Wales and Queensland at 213 days each, and lowest in South Australia (57 days).

Third body paragraph

Total numbers were highest for New South Wales (8,323 days) and lowest for South Australia(2,209 days), in line with their population sizes.

Fourth body paragraph

The pie chart divides the stays of the patients into overnight stays and same day stays for both private and public hospitals. From the chart it can be seen that the majority of the stays were in public hospitals both overnight and sameday stays, both of these taking up 30% each of the hospital stays.

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