
第一、要用好表示顺序的连接词(Sequencing Words)中国雅思网:S:o-Wg.~i,b#G/?
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  既然是流程图,就不可避免的要说明过程的各个步骤和先后顺序,在这里,大家要注意几个词。例如,表示过程我们通常用“process”或“procedure”,过程的各个阶段和步骤我们可以用“stage”或“step”来描述。在谈到第一个步骤时我们可以用连接词“In the first place”、“To begin with”、“In the first stage”等引出。在进入中间的步骤时可以用“Then”、“Next”、“After this/that”等,最后一个步骤可以用“Finally”或“Lastly”。当然,如果有一些平行的步骤我们也可以用“At the same time”、“Meanwhile”等来引出。中国雅思网7] Z6?:C,GX E
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_qwXO1e"tpQ0  When the cleaning is done, the bottles are conveyedto a glass factory where they are cut into glass pieces which are then poured into a furnace.中国雅思网qNTX]B tP/
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  上面的句子用了when/where/which三个连词,就把玻璃瓶回收的三个步骤”cleaning- cutting –heating巧妙地连接在了一起。
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  流程图写好的第二个关键是被动语态的使用。流程图表现的是客观的工作流程或事物发展的过程。因此,我们可以尽量避免用“We should/must/need to do sth.”的主动语态,改为“Sth. Should/must/needs to be done”这样的被动语态。被动语态和情态动词的恰当搭配,可以使文章显得更具有客观、和学术化色彩。
&xs~(vI?EnS0  The production of cement starts in a mixer, where limestone gravel and sand are convertedinto a mixture, which is then fed into a crusher. Here the mixture is ground into cementpowder, and then is passed through a rotating heater.
?"N)[#H*r6o3/D(]0  上文中用到了convert、feed、grind、pass这四个动词的过去分词构造了被动语态,使过程的描写显得非常专业。
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%s)Pw wt(}8UF0  第三、引言段和结尾段的重要性中国雅思网*`-W8M+t:g

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  This diagram illustratesthe recycling process of glass bottles. The whole process is a cycle which can be divided into three main stages.
mf t4SaQ0  In summary, plants, humans and animals provide services for each other. Humans and animals need the oxygen that plants produce in order to stay alive. When humans and animals breathe out, they provide the carbon dioxide that plants need in order to survive.
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  第四、要善于“绕开”专业的概念表达中国雅思网k J^ Si4LU{
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  在流程图中,有时不可避免的会出现一些比较专业的概念,考场上一时想不出对应的英文,这时候要善于利用已知的简单词汇,试着把这些“专业”的概念用简单的方式表达出来。例如,不知道怎样表达“房间通风”(ventilation)这个概念,我们可以说“air moving through the house”来说明,不知道怎样说“斧头”和“锯子”(axeand saw)我们就用“special tools”来绕过,虽然不是描述得很精确,但总比不写或写错了要好。中国雅思网,p.CTnsD o}

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