
来源:雅思中国网海外考试研究中心 赵平江
  移民类书信在雅思考试中属于相对稳定的考察项目,尽管每年的考试重点有所偏倚,但是受文体形式和话题内容的限制, 09 年的移民类书信写作将继续保持稳中求变的走势,综合近三年来的考试出题思路和命题范围,建议考生重点关注以下三方面内容。
?  朋友之间交流和相互邀请类书信将继续是 09 年的备考重点。这类书信最贴近移民类考生出国以后的实际生活,而且具体话题内容可以涉及到生活的方方面面,因此一直以来都是雅思命题者的首选,某些话题更是每年的必考话题,如邀请朋友及家属前来旅游拜访并告知具体安排话题。
( 08 年考题)You have an English-speaking friend who lives in another country. His son has a short vacation before going to college. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,
1. invite your friend's son to come to your city
2. introduce some interesting places to visit
3. say something about the weather in the city you live
( 07 年考题)Your English-speaking friend will come to your country with his/her family. Your friend has asked you to arrange accommodation for him/her. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,
1. explain what type of accommodation you have arranged for him/her,
2. say what you would like your friend to bring when he/she comes
3. recommend some places for sightseeing
( 06 年考题)Your friend from an English-speaking country will come to your city for a holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,
1. invite him to stay with you
2. introduce some places to visit
3. give him some advice
?  反映投诉问题以及提出建议类书信 09 年将再次回归。这类书信的难点在于对投诉等相关内容的具体描述能否详细、合理、准确。在此举一例予以说明。
You have recently made a purchase from a department store in another town. However, when you arrived home, you found a fault with it. Write a letter to the manager of the store. In your letter,
1. say what product you have bought.
2. explain what the problem is.中国雅思网rR:D&N0Rfcu~
3. say what you would like to be done about it.
?  受全球经济局势变化的影响,求职申请类书信极有可能成为 09 年的“黑马”。这类书信在过去几年的考试中,表现平平,每年都有考到,但是出现频率较低,预计这种既实用又应景的书信在 09 年必然会受到青睐。
You have seen a job advertised in your local newspaper. Write a letter to the personnel manager. In your letter,
'z _~D9_"N1. introduce yourself
2. outline your experiences and qualifications
3. say why you would like the job
You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter,中国雅思网ZlfGVt
1. introduce yourself
2. explain what sort of job you would like
3. say what experience and skills you have
  当然,在考生备考 09 年雅思移民类书信写作的时候,在重点准备上述内容的同时,建议将询问信息、情况说明等书信题材进行分类整理,做到“广泛撒网,重点突破”,并且做好相关词汇句型的积累工作,再加上专业有效的考试技巧点拨,拿到移民类书信写作的高分不再是神话。中国雅思网M.T1V'K3~0Sp2Q

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