
下面让我们一起来回顾一下 2008 年中国考区的 46 道 A 类写作题目。并将其按照话题关联度进行划分,共分以下十大类:  

              Music             Geography (08.03.01)

10.Students from poor background such as rural areas often find it difficult to access to university education, so people think universities should make it especially easy for them to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (08.09.27)

11.Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (08.10.23 = 04.11.13)

12.Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education systems. Does the usefulness of this method of learning outweigh its limitations? (08.12.06)

13.Some people believe that a country benefits greatly with a high percentage of young people who go to university, while others argue that it only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (08.12.13)


二、工作生活与意识形态(共 8 题,占全年 17.4% )

14.The older generations have very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behaviour. However, some people think that these ideas are not helpful for the young generation to prepare for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (08.01.19)

15.People living in big cities face many problems today. What are the problems? Should the government encourage people to live in regional towns? (08.02.14)

20.Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always success in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on mental attitudes. Discuss both views and give your opinions. (08.05.31)

21.In modern society, fashion is becoming more and more popular in people's choice of clothes. Why? Do you think it is positive development or negative development? (08.11.08)


三、环境与动物保护(共 5 题,占全年 10.9% )

22.Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans. Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (08.02.02)

23.One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in several years' time, but they cause the same amount of pollution. So some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, rather than to limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? (08.04.05=06.03.25)

24.Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further.  However, others think this leads to environmental problem, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss the both sides and give your own opinion. (08.06.14)

25.Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while some people think more benefits has been brought to international business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (08.07.26)

26.Many people think it is very important to protect environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why does it happen? How to solve this problem? (08.09.13)


四、科技(共 4 题,占全年 8.7% )

27.Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful. However, it is rare for old people to use them.  What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How does the old people to be encouraged using this new technology? (08.06.28)

28.Some people support the developments in agriculture such as factory farming and creations of new types of fruits and vegetables, while others oppose this view. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (08.07.12)

29.There are more workers to work from home and more students to study from home. This is because the computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? (08.11.15)

35.International travel sometimes makes people more prejudiced rather than board-minded. Give out reasons why it cannot bring benefits to those visitors. Do you have ways to improve people's understanding of the countries they visit? (08. 08.21)

36.International travel is becoming cheaper, and more and more countries open their door and with more and more tourists. Do the advantages of the increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages? (08.11.20)

37.Nowadays, a lot of charities and organisations publicize their activities by setting up a number of special days, like 'National Children's Day', for encouraging good care of children, and 'National Non-smoking Day', for encouraging people to pay more attention to healthy. Why do these organisations take these activities, and what will the effect be? (08.12.20)


43.As global trade increases, many goods, even some daily goods, are exported to another country, which includes long-distance transport during shipping. Do you think its benefits outweigh its drawbacks? (08.12.04)


九、政府(共 2 题,占全年 4.3% )

44.As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should pay for the cost. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (08.03.08)

45.In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? Give reasons for you answer and include examples from your knowledge or experiences. (08. 08.09 ≈ 04.04.17)


十、社会(共 1 题,占全年 2.2% )

46.Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries? (08.04.19)


我们不难发现以下规律 :

1.教育类话题占绝大多数,并且在 08 年稳中有升;

2.工作生活与意识形态类话题跃居第二,数量比 07 年增长了一倍;

  第一,作为历年雅思 A 类写作的主导话题,教育类(包括青少年教育和儿童教育类话题)仍然将会占绝对数量。不管参加哪次考试,考生切不可放弃教育类话题的复习。

  第三,切不可迷信所谓“预测”。很多考生考前不认真准备,而将最后的希望 “ 押宝 ” 在最后的考前预测上面,但是进入考场发现真题往往与预测大相径庭,结果反而造成恐慌。雅思考试一共只有十大话题,网上预测每次选取三个话题左右,并配部分例题,话题因为概率较高的原因有时可以预测正确,但是具体的题目往往相差十万八千里。所以提醒考生结合历年真题,熟悉话题并认真进行分类总结,总结出可以共同准备的论据,以做到以不变应万变。

  最后,衷心祝愿所有参加 2009 年雅思考试的考生都能在考试中取得理想的成绩,实现出国梦想!


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