雅思大作文范文:Childhood Obesity

 Childhood Obesity

IELTS Writing Task 2

In developed and developing countries obesity comes near fatally affecting many people, particularly children who seem to be powerless to overcome the most uncomfortable and sometimes deadly effects of this chronic disease.  Childhood obesity rates are becoming out of control, leading to about a third of children reportedly being overweight.  This disagreeable medical condition, however, can be traced in large part to want of physical exercise along with a healthy diet.
Quite a few children tend to eat too much too badly.  To begin with, they feel like eating anything that tastes good and every junk food advertised on television, even though they are not hungry.  This being the case, a "fashion" diet characteristic of fat calories is first an attraction, then an obsession.  At the same time, the majority of their parents are worried of course, but they may be just shouting about losing weight rather than keeping their children's mouths shut.  Indeed, unless the eating habit can be changed for fiber intake,  dieting is hardly "a piece of cake."  That is probably why eating a healthy diet has gradually been regarded as something of a virtue, although fat is an oral problem instead of a moral issue.

Lack of physical activity can only push obesity rate even higher.  New research suggests that inactivity is one of the greatest contributor to overweight, rightly so because of the negative influence of television and the Internet.  More often than not, children prefer to stay indoors, turning themselves into couch potatoes and mouse potatoes.  Their bodies almost motionless, they seem to walk at intervals a few meters no farther than the distance between a TV or computer screen and a refrigerator.  The same report also finds that normal weight children usually appear to be less distracted by electronic entetainments than their overweight peers.  With obesity becoming morbid obesity or even super obesity, excess body fat would make it impossible for obese children to do any kind of physical exercise.
To conclude, dieting and physical exercise are the mainstays of treatment for obesity because, except for a few hereditary factors, this common illness is said to be a preventable cause of health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes.  Those obese boys and girls must be assured accordingly that reducing weight and narrowing waistline can be a reality and not merely "wishful shrinking."  And yet, without the will power to make success happen and lengthen the life expectancy, they would be as if digging their early graves with knives and forks.  (by Mr. Jeenn Lee Hsieh)

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