
  所谓举例子,就是在提出文章论点后,通过列举一个或两个事实来作为论据支持论点,而这里例子的选择最好采用众所周知的事实。这样一来,读者能够通过例子清楚地理解考生想表达的含义以及相应的逻辑,并且弥补论证过程中可能出现的表述不到位的情况,举例子在学术论文中可以起到四两拨千斤的效果。当然,例子一定要简明扼要不罗嗦,一语中的。除此之外,常用的表示举例的短语有For example; For instance; Take ... as an example 等等。在此先以一个跟科技相关的论点为例:

  论点:The use of mobile phones is beneficial to people in their daily life and it is easy for them to gain information via this technology.



  举例子:For example, when green hands who are lack of knowledge are interested in investing in the stock market, they can enlist the help of experts in the discussion groups on mobile phone apps, and for those who want to acquire new skills, mobile phone apps can also provide them with a variety of user-friendly online platforms to draw upon ideas from other professionals.




  论点:A main reason for poor behaviour of students is possibly due to the lack of discipline in schools.


  举例子:For instance, it is true that there are too many students in one class, particular in China, and it is quite difficult for teaching staff to manage the whole class in a structured way. Under such atmosphere, students who lack self-discipline are far more likely to misbehave in classes, including ignoring the instruction given by teachers, disrupting attention and learning of other students, and even worse, causing an argument with classmates.


  论点:I believe that the salary is a vital consideration when deciding on a career.


  举例子:For instance, people all need to at least earn a salary that can cover their basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and health care.


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