



1. Task Achievement——overview+key features图表信息概述+主要特征(小作文题目要求中明确指出:Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.)

2. Coherence and cohesion——organization组织性:分段和分句,尤其是要注意句与句之间的逻辑关系和衔接手段,这直接决定着语法上的句式多样性和复杂性

3. vocabulary——词汇:词汇的准确性对于图表类作文来说难度并不大,多样性才是值得关注的点

4. grammar——语法:语法的准确性不仅限于一个句子之内,包括标点符号的正确与否,也会直接影响的表达效果。

以下是一篇Band 4.5的学生习作,及其修改过程,我们借以深刻理解并学会根据以上的评分标准来约束并提高自己的写作实力。


The charts show the information about the water consumption and water residential use in Australia in 2004.


The charts include the information which represent the Australian water consumption and residential use in 2004.

The residential cost +of water is divided into two parts,》: one is +for house and another one》the other is +forapartment. The house one》The former accounted for the most part which is》was 57 percent. As for the apartment, one》itis much less than +the water use inside the house, which is only 13 percent. There are also several other fields, including industry, business, government and others. but compare with the residential use , their total cost is only a small section. others take 3 percent which is the smallest one. government is the second smallest which only occupied 6 percent. the business and industry are respectively 10 percent and 11 percent.


Compared with the residential water usage, several other fields consumed only a small section of water, including industry, business, government and others, the amount of which are 11%, 10%, 6% and 3% respectively.(提高句子表达效率和效果)


In addition, there are five parts will have》need water consumption inside a home,》. They are bathroom, toilet, washing clothes, kitchen and garden.-->, each accounting for 28% 15% 20% 10% and 27% separately.




The charts show the information about the water consumption and water residential use in Australia in 2004.——改写

The pie chart compares the amount of water consumed in some different areas in the year 2004 in Australia. The table shows how much water was consumed in Australian families.

It is clear that most of water was used in the domestic sector, while outdoor water use accounted for a big part.——overview

We can see from the pie chart that water exerted a big role in the local family since 70% of water was consumed indoors, with 57% in residential houses and 13% of it used in residential apartments, while然而 governments and businesses needed lots of water, at around 10% respectively.——饼图

Although outdoor water use, such as gardening, made up approximately 30% of household use, the rest of themwas》were used in the room. 28% of water was used for shower, followed by washing clothes (20%). Toilet and kitchen seemed to consume the least water in the bar chart.——柱图

166 words




domestic sector

local family


water consumption

water was consumed

water use

needed lots of water

water was used for shower

consume the least water


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(4)语法方面,the rest of them was显然主谓不一致,应该改成were,但是这些问题并不影响理解。




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