

Yet while marriage has been transformed, the roles played by each partner in the home have been slower to change. A recent Pew study found that in households where both parents work fulltime, more of the day-to-day parenting responsibilities fall to women. Mothers are twice as likely as fathers to say that being a working parent has hurt their careers,in no small part because many employers still function according to a single breadwinner model. This is slowly changing, particularly as more women start out-earning men. In couples with two full-time working parents,26% of women earn around the same amount as their partners, and 22% earn more,according to Pew.






workfull time 全职工作


parenting responsibilities子女养育责任

working parent 全职父母


a single breadwinner model每个家庭只有一个人养家糊口的模式


full-time working parent全职工作父母


… , in no small part because …很大程度上由于……


Yet while marriage has been transformed, the roles played by each partner in the home have been slower to change. In households where both parents work full time,more of the day-to-day parenting responsibilities fall to women. Mothers are twice as likely as fathers to say that being a working parent has hurt their careers, in no small part because many employers still function according to a single breadwinner model. This is slowly changing,particularly as more women startout-earning men.

Conservative policymakers often argue that getting poorer women to marry will improve the lot of their children. But programmes to encourage more people to wed never seem to work. This is largely because most Americans are already quite convinced of the value of marriage, and even poorer people hold the institution in high regard, according to a new survey of public views of the American family from Deseret News and Brigham Young University. Most agree that marriage is the best arrangement for raising children,and many still hope to trade vows one day. Unlike Europeans, who are moving away from marriage, even younger Americans generally expect to puta ring on it, and view cohabitation as a practical step along the way.







be convinced of … 坚信……


hold… in high regard注重……;尊重……

raise children抚养儿童

trade vows交换结婚誓言

move away from远离

put a ring on it结婚



This is largely because …这很大程度上是由于……


Conservative policymakers often argue that getting poorer women to marry will improve the lot of their children. But programmes to encourage more people to wed never seem to work.


Most Americans are already quite convinced of the value of marriage, and even poorer people hold the institution in high regard. Most agree that marriage is the best arrangement for raising children, and many still hope to trade vows one day. Unlike Europeans, who are movingaway from marriage, even younger Americans generally expect to put a ring on it, and view cohabitation as a practical step along the way.

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