
为大家带来2017年12月14场的雅思写作真题满分范文,本场考试题目为社会类话题,题目为:In many countries, more and more men are staying at home to look after their children when women work full-time.What are the reasons?Is it a positive or negative development?在很多国家,越来越多的男性在家全职照顾孩子,而女性出去工作。是什么原因呢?这是一个积极还是消极的发展呢?


Nowadays, more and more husbands agree completely to look after children and doing housework in social lives. There are various reasons for this view, so I think that it is a positive trend to need much understanding.

There are several causes of why a lot of fathers could not leave their house to gain occupation. Firstly, with modern life, the larger of women might be extremely desired to pursue their career and very busy, therefore, helping of their husband is quite important. Secondly, the role of each person depends on their ability to divide available tasks for everyone while in the past, the breadwinners in families attach entirely with husband’s obligation. For example, my friend’s husband has landed housework and take care of children after a long time of unemployment, whereas, my friend might be completely busy in company to earn more money, so they decided that husband would be continued that role because it is difficult to land a job in that time. Finally, the househusband could be more common, rather than much more husbands would prefer spending time on their baby to pursue vocation.

In my opinion, this change’s role in families progress perfectly. With the rising cost of living, couple should be careful to make decision who go out to earn money, who stay at home in order to assume childcare responsibilities. In addition, it is better equal role in families if society could be significant transformable in traditional minds. Therefore, women could be entirely time to follow their career after having baby and men could also give up their job to have more free time with baby without criticism of anyone. For example, in the past, my grandfather did not allow my mother following her favorite job such as teacher to look after children, but nowadays, when grandfather has been observed a bunch of wives who have breadwinners role in families, his view is opened mind.

In conclusion, more wives could be much opportunities in securing job and the husbands who agree childcare obligation would create much more progress and equal humanity.(346 words)


地道用词:gain occupation


land a job

pursue vocation

the rising cost of living

高分语段:For example, my friend’s husband has landed housework and take care of children after a long time of unemployment, whereas, my friend might be completely busy in company to earn more money, so they decided that husband would be continued that role because it is difficult to land a job in that time.

Therefore, women could be entirely time to follow their career after having baby and men could also give up their job to have more free time with baby without criticism of anyone.

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