
1月为雅思变题季. 雅思口语话题将有30%左右的话题被新题替换. 今天开始已经有广州\上海\成都\长沙等考点的考生开始陆续参加今年首场雅思口语考试.  

目前来看, 新题以旧题回库题和旧题改编题为主, 全新题较少.



2、标注旧题回库” “旧题改编的题是去年或去年以前考过的题,回归了题库或进行了更改,则意味着1-4月份这四个月都会继续考,所以要重点准备



Part One


1. Hometown家乡

2. Photograph 照片

3. Park (旧题回库  二变一)

4. History历史

5. Snacks零食

6. Primary school小学(旧题回库)

7. Mobile phones 手机(旧题回库)

8. Public transport公共交通

9. Memorizing记忆

10. Teachers老师

11. Dancing 舞蹈(旧题回库  高频)

12. Countryside乡村

13. Social network社交网络

14. Public holidays 假期

15. Teamwork 团队合作

16. Book书籍

17. Computer 电脑(旧题回库)

18. Toy玩具(旧题回库 二变一)

19.Staying up 熬夜

20.Outside activities户外活动(旧题回库)

21. Handcraft手工(旧题回库  二变一  )

22. Leisure time/ Relaxation 休闲时间

23. Future plans 未来计划(旧题回库)

24. Bicycles自行车 (旧题回库)

Part Two


1. A person whose job is useful to the society 一个从事有益于社会工作的人

2. A person who likes travelling by plane喜欢乘飞机旅游的人

3. A family member who spent the most time with you 跟你待时间最长的家人

4. An old person you admire (旧题回库)

5. A person who has apologized to you一个向你道歉过的人(1月新题)


1.Something you borrowed that was useful 你借过的有用的东西

2. A product you bought which made you very happy (旧题改编)

3. A photo of yourself (1月新题)

4. A piece of clothing that someone gave you (旧题改编)


1. A house or an apartment you would like to live 你想住的房子

2. A country that you have never been to but you want to go一个没去过但想去的国家

3. A street that you know你熟知的一条街

4. A place ( a village)  you visited that has been affected by pollution一个被污染的地方(旧题改编)

Where it is

Why you went there

what are the pollutants

And explain how you felt about it


1. A time that you were looking at the sky 一次观看天空的经历  

2. A traditional festival in your country传统节日

3. Your plan if you have one-day holiday 如果有一天的假期你会做什么

4. A long walk you enjoyed 远足的经历

5. An important conversation you had 一次重要的谈话

6.  A happy event that you had recently (or in childhood) 愉快的经历

7. An article you read from magazine or Internet about healthy life 从杂志或网站上看到的关于健康的文章

8. A long journey you traveled by car一次长途汽车旅行

9. An occasion when someone or something made noise 遇到噪音的情景

10. A decision you took a long time to make ( A difficult choice you ever made) (旧题回库)

what decision it was

what difficulties you faced

how you made the decision

and explain why it took you a long time to make the decision.

12. Future job ( A job you want to do in the future) a perfect job 未来理想工作(旧题回库)

13. An occasion when the weather changed your plan一次因天气改变计划的经历 (旧题改编)

When it was

Where it happened

What you did at the end


1. A movie you enjoyed and would like to see again喜欢的电影

2. A funny story in TV program 电视节目中有趣的故事 (1月新题)

3. A special song特殊的歌曲 (旧题回库)


An animal that you think is interesting有趣的动物(旧题回库)




 jazz 爵士

♥ ballet 芭蕾

♥ tap 踢踏舞

 hip hop 街舞

 rumba 伦巴

 tango 探戈

 waltz 华尔兹

 cha cha 恰恰

 swing 双人摇摆舞

 folk 民族舞

 belly 肚皮舞


Do you like to dance?




Dancing is amazing!!

It's an awesome way to be fit and flexible and strong and expressible and make new families and all through a sport!!

I've done it for so long and I do it so much and all it is literally like breathing to me.


I love it, to say the least. 
It's great for exercise, relieving stress, and it's something I love to do.

When I'm dancing, I can just let go and perform without worrying about being judged. It's the best natural high I've ever had!

I've been dancing since I was little, and I hope I can continue dancing for the rest of my life. If I was in an accident, I would do anything to be able to dance again. It makes me want to work hard and be a great dancer because it's so rewarding!


I love dancing.

Growing up I wanted to be a dancers mostly anything Ballroom and Latin dances. I want to compete someday or I can just dance for my family entertainment or for my special someone. Dancing is one way for me to relief stress. All I need in life is good music and good shoes.



Dancing is my life!

If i was disabled I think I would go into a severe depression and never ever leave my house again!

I love to dance, I have nothing else better to do with my life, it is my absolute calling on life.

Dancing is great way to express emotions, as well as a healthy pastime for those not really interested in going professional.

For me, the reason I dance is simply because it is my passion. It is what I live for, what I breathe, what I was made for. People dance for countless reasons, however, though I cannot name all these myself.

It helps me to express my emotions and relieve stress. Whenever I can't dance, I get a little bit depressed.

I injured ankle a little while ago and for the three weeks that I was off of it I was depressed the whole time.

Dance has become a part of me, I can't imagine living without it!



Where the canvas is our stage, our room, this earth.

The brush is our bodies. 
The paint is our emotions, soul and technique. 
To me dance is life.

Everything in this universe dances.

Everything moves to a certain rhythm/timing/structure. Like Einstein said: Dancers are the athletes of God.






I wish I was a dancer, but no, I got stuck with being a tomboy and playing soccer and basketball. I would do anything to become a dancer, it looks so amazing and beautiful and fun.

Can you dance?

Yes! I started with ballet, tap, and Jazz as a young child and then became a belly dancer later. I'm on hiatus from belly dancing but I do still maintain my site.

Yes I can dance especially in hip hop, me and my friend are the best and we don't go to dancing school we just make our own moves so it can be something different.

Positives of dance

Dance has shaped the world today. It has created each culture and place in the world to have their own unique way of standing out.

It allows people to be who they wanna be, they can let out any frustration, anger, sadness, despair, love, hate, and any emotion thought of....

Dance is an expression. Dance has let everyone in the world be an individual because everyone dances differently.

I dance because it is my whole life!

It represents me in the truest form. I dance because it lets me get lost and forget about the world, everything drops away when I dance. I dance because it is the only thing that brings me true happiness,without it, life wouldn't be worth living.

I dance because it helps relieve stress or worries.

If i have a lot of stress on my mind, I go to dance, then I forgot about everything else.

I just wanna dance, also when you dance you can tell a story through your movements without saying one word.

I just think that's coolest thing ever because most sports you can't do that.

Dancing teaches poise, discipline, technique, teamwork/partnership, grace, and it works your body SO hard!!

The stretching is AMAZING for your muscles!

Dancing works your muscles much more than people think.

It helps make you more flexible and bendy;)

以上素材来源于 Yahoo native speaker,大家好好准备吧~


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