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Section 1=v30061 s1
Section 2=v50233 s2
Section 3=v30044 s3
Section 4=v30061 s4

第1篇 是 关于深海的1个生物
第2篇 是 新型能源减少 汽车污染。。
第3篇 是 e-book 好处

第三篇e-book的原文来源: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/ofnote/11-19billg.mspx

Beyond Gutenberg by Bill Gates

Reprinted from "The World in 2000," a publication of The Economist Group

Reading on paper is so much a part of our lives that it is hard to imagine anything could ever replace inky marks on shredded trees. Since Johannes Gutenberg invented an economical way to make movable metal type in the 15th century, making it possible to produce reading matter quickly, comparatively cheaply and in large quantities, the printed word has proved amazingly resilient. So how could anyone believe that sales of electronic books will equal those of paper books within a decade or so?

First, it is worth remembering that paper is only the latest in a long line of reading "technologies" that were made obsolete each time an improved solution emerged. Pictures drawn on rock gave way to clay tablets with cuneiform characters pressed into the clay before it dried. Clay gave way to animal skin scrolls marked with text, and then to papyrus scrolls. By 100ad the codex had arrived, but it was not until the ninth century that the first real paper book was produced. In Europe, paper was rare until after Gutenbergs breakthrough.

It took a few more centuries for e-books to emerge. They were first envisioned in 1945 by Vannevar Bush, director of the United States Office of Scientific Research and Development. In his classic essay, "As We May Think" , Bush described a gadget he called a "memex" -- "a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications... Most of the memex contents are purchased on microfilm ready for insertion. Books of all sorts, pictures, current periodicals, newspapers, are thus obtained and dropped into place... Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready-made with a mesh of associative trails running through them..."

Although science-fiction writers eagerly adopted Bushs ideasnotably on the television show "Star Trek" , where portable electronic books featured regularlythe real world has remained loyal to paper. Only in the encyclopedia market, which was transformed by cd-roms in the mid-1980s, has the e-book made real progress. Far more encyclopedias, from Microsofts Encarta to Encyclopedia Britannica, are sold on cd-rom than were ever sold on paper, because they cost a fraction of the price and are easier to search. But attempts to broaden the appeal of e-book technology to "ludic" (or pleasure) readers have been unsuccessful. Since the late 1980s the electronic publishing world has seen several failed e-book ventures.

Why? Most of them used devices that were either too bulky to carry around, or forced users to "stock up" their electronic library in inconvenient ways. (One required visits to a "book bank" , an atm-like machine that was to be located in bookstores.) Before widespread adoption of the Internet, there was no universal way to download new reading material. But the most fundamental problem was the lack of a display technology that could compete with paper when it came to ludic reading.

For paper books, readability depends on many factors: typeface and size, line length and spacing, page and margin size, and the colour of print and paper. But for e-books there are even more factors, including resolution, flicker, luminance, contrast and glare. Most typefaces were not designed for screens and, thanks to a limited number of pixels, are just fuzzy reproductions of the originals. The result is that reading on-screen is hard on the eyes and takes a lot more effort. People do it only for short documents. The longer the read, the more irritating and distracting are all the faults in display, layout and rendering.

Most of these problems are now being solved. The World Wide Web offers an amazingly flexible way to deliver books in bitsand as investments in broadband infrastructure increase, it will get even easier to stock an e-library. And dozens of companiesincluding e-book pioneers and established publishing firms such as R.R. Donnelly, Penguin Putnam, Nokia, Barnes & Noble and Microsofthave joined to create an open e-book standard, so that book-lovers will be able to read any title on any e-book.

There have also been some incredible technological breakthroughs that will make it much easier to read long texts on a screen. Microsoft has developed a font display technology called ClearType that, by manipulating the red, green and blue sub-pixels that make up the pixels on an lcd screen, improves resolution by up to a factor of three. Coupled with the latest e-book reading software and hardware, this provides an on-screen reading experience that begins to rival paper.

But why would anyone prefer an e-book to a p-book, regardless of improved readability? Because e-books have many other advantages. You will get instant delivery from your web bookshop to your e-book, and be able to store hundreds of novels on a device the size of a paperback. E-book technology enables you to have an entire library in your pocket. Or you can keep it on your pca modern laptop can hold more than 30,000 books. You wont have to wait for out-of-stock books to be ordered, and books will never go out of "print" . Your children will be able to listen to unfamiliar words pronounced for them as they read. You will have unabridged audio synchronised to the text, so you can continue the story in situations where you are unable to readfor example, while driving.

In addition, e-books promise to revolutionise the way the world reads. Whereas paper books are stand-alone entities, e-books can include hypertext links to additional content, whether it is in other books, databases or web sites. So e-books will not be restricted to a linear structure that is the same for everyoneevery reader will be free to make use of the links, images and sounds differently. You will also be able to customise e-books by adding your own notes, links and images. In a paper book, content is fixed; with e-book technology it is flexible. Finally, you will be able to get sound and moving images to support the text, creating an entirely new multi-medium.

The e-book will also revolutionise the economics of the industry. The cost of publishing books will fall dramatically, the result of savings on materials, labour, manufacturing and distribution. In the process, a lot of trees will also be saved and even the most obscure author will be able to self-publish, which means more choice for readers. The retail price of books will fall; sales will explode.

It is hard to imagine today, but one of the greatest contributions of e-books may eventually be in improving literacy and education in less-developed countries. Today people in poor countries cannot afford to buy books and rarely have access to a library. But in a few years, as the cost of hardware continues to decline, it will be possible to set up "virtual" public libraries which will have access to the same content as the Library of Congress.

©1999 Bill Gates. All rights reserved.

小作文:美国日本澳大利亚的能源消耗(石油,单位桶)的数量以及增长率的比较(工业,农业,其他和总量四个方面)图表比较澳大利亚,日本,美国2000-2001的energy consumption,和自1990年以来的增长趋势,分为industry,tranport和other use,以及total, 美国消耗最多,增长最慢,industry增长是0.9%,澳大利亚消耗最低,日本增长最快
Energy consuming during 2000-2001, and increase rates than 1999. Summary and compare the figures and rates.
In million tones of oil equivalent

大作文:Some people think muesums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain yong people....other think the pursose of museums is educate, not entertain. (同意博物馆作为娱乐的地方还是教育人的地方。)

140(这个是男人换算后说的,前面女人说是44英寸,回家自己换算得114cm左右,不知是我耳朵有问题还是那男人是数学白痴);265(听到好像是260,不过看了机经,后面又听到25块的差额,决定信机经) ;Natural(颜色);drawer;light;glass;Rogala;邮编;Morning;garage

vocational courses;skills;telephone the employer;job;the hours;三个选择:domestic work;childcare;laboring work;10am-4pm;At New Years

reference; examples;next seminar;explain the experiment;26th November;;Computer room(走神,也有可能是 Chemical lab,但Computer room重读,加上机经,信了);the professor;三个选择:communication skills;discount analysis;psycholiguistics

选择:B because of itself personnal(问为什么这个女人选择这个研究所就业);C immu... systems(问这个女人正在研究什么,muscle movement是刚刚研究结束的项目);B 存在很长时间了(问为什么选择海洋生物做研究,瞎填的,别信,因为我没听清);D 因为它进行了非常广泛的研究 (问为什么这个研究所出名,瞎填的,因为我记不清了);dark(估计错了);space;electric field;decoration;skin;还有一个是选择还是填空都记不清了。

三个类似的卖travel pass的广告
Kelly Colleage的骗学生入学的广告
London 在1666年发生的great fire

2。对个人和家庭来说,在家吃比在外面吃好,你同意还是不同意?(Cooking and eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating in the restaurants or canteens. Do you agree or disagree?)


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