








The table shows the energy production by different types of fuel in the UK

1 summarizing and selecting the main features

2 make the relevant comparisons

2016年10月8日<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>写作考试真题回忆图1


The table provides information about the amount of energy produced by different kinds of fuel in the UK in three separate years. It is obvious that the UK relied more on traditional fuel (Natural Gas, Oil and Coal) to produce energy and the total production (around 220 units) was similar in three years.


As for Natural Gas, the production increased from 76 units in 1990 to 94 units in 2000, which was the highest figure in across the period.


The amounts of energy produced from oil and coal rose from 56 units and 22 units in 1990 to 70 units and 24 units in 1996 before decreasing to 60 and 23 units respectively.


By contrast, the production of Nuclear power experienced an opposite trend, dropping from 40 units in 1990 to 30 units in 1996. However, by 2000, the figure had increased to 35 units. The production from hydro power was minimal across the whole period.







Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since the internet has widely replaced their function.

To what extant do you agree or disagree with this idea


While it is true that the internet contains a vast quantity and variety of reading material that cannot hope to be matched by a single library, I still believe that there are unique social and psychological benefits that are vital to intellectual development, which can only be gained in a library. For these reasons I disagree with the statement, and believe that local governments should continue to fund public libraries.


First of all, the actual physical sensation of holding and reading a real book should not be overlooked. In the modern world, people, and particularly children, spend an incredible amount of time staring at screens. Whether it is from their phone, their computer or a television, pixelated images have become standard way for most people to consume their media. The experience of turning the pages of a paper book, adjusting the position of it in your hand for comfort, and even taking the unique smell that every book seems to develop through being well-read and well-travelled, is one that can truly stick with a person, and enhance the connection between reader and writer.


Secondly, being in an environment such as library, where one can meet other like-minded individuals in a quiet space, can breed creativity and bear relationships that cannot be achieved through the cold screen of a computer. I personally have struck up many conversations in a remote section of a public library with another keen reader in search of a new fantasy novel. These encounters often lead to personalized book recommendations, an impromptu discussion on a book that we had both enjoyed, and sometimes even a friendship, built on a foundation of common interest and intellectual connection.


These benefits may seem peripheral and not worth considering when deciding upon the value of public libraries, but I believe they are an essential part of what makes reading so enriching. Humans are social creatures, and the value of novels themselves can be broken down to the fact that they allow us insight into an otherwise inaccessible place, another person’s mind. It would therefore be highly unwise to remove the social aspect of reading, by defunding libraries in favor of internet databanks.

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